标签:perl 小骆驼 习题
1 请用perl在屏幕输出hello,world
[root@localhost perl]# cat perlhello.pl #!/usr/bin/perl print "hello,world!\n"; [root@localhost perl]# ./perlhello.pl hello,world!
2 截取出正则的匹配内容,在shell中,真是头都大了
#!/usr/bin/perl -w $_="<span class=\"title\">Counter-Strike Global Ofensive</span>"; if(/<span class=\"title\">(.*)<\/span>/) { print "$1\n"; }
[root@localhost perl]# ./perlre.pl Counter-Strike Global Ofensive
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$_="(Counter-Strike Global Ofensive)"; if(/\((.*)\)/) { print "$1\n"; }
3 接受标准输入,并输出
#!/usr/bin/perl -w while (<>) {print;}
[root@localhost perl]# ./receive.pl
hello,i am liuliancao
hello,i am liuliancao
4 计算圆的面积
#!/usr/bin/perl -w print "please input the radius of the circle"; $r=<STDIN>; if($r lt 0) {$c=0;} else {$c=2*$r*3.141592654;} print "the c is $c\n";
[root@localhost perl]# ./circle.pl please input the radius of the circle:1 the c is 6.283185308
5 计算两个数的乘积,并输出它们
#!/usr/bin/perl -w print "please input two number divided by Enter,and i will mutiply them\n"; chomp($a=<STDIN>); $b=<STDIN>; print "a is $a, and b is $b and the muti result is ",$a*$b," !\n";
[root@localhost perl]# ./muti.pl
please input two number divided by Enter,and i will mutiply them
a is 2, and b is 5
and the muti result is 10 !
6 重复输出指定次数字符串
#!/usr/bin/perl -w print "please input string and times divided by Enter!\n"; chomp ($a=<STDIN>); $b=<STDIN>; $result=$a x $b; print "result is $result\n";
[root@localhost perl]# ./stringtimes.pl please input string and times divided by Enter! liuliancao 5 result is liuliancaoliuliancaoliuliancaoliuliancaoliuliancao
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标签:perl 小骆驼 习题