Pending Queue Size The number of messages in the queue that have yet to be delivered to any client Dispatched Counter The number of message in the queue that have been delivered to a client, but not yet acknowledged Enqueue Counter The number of messages that have been sent to this queue Dequeue Counter the number of messages that have been consumed from this queue
pending messages = number of messages CURRENTLY waiting for delivery in the destination (the current size of the queue)
enqueued messages = number of messages that where enqueued in the destination since the last statistic reset. This number can only rise.
dequeued messages = messages delivered from the destination to consumers. this number can be higher that the number of enqueued messages if a message was delivered to multiple consumers (topics).
Message selectors
session.createConsumer(destination, selector), selector用来确定consumer需要什么样的message, selector是string,使用jms selector syntax来确定需要的mesage
ConnectionFactory:connection is open tcp socket between client and provider, overhead is large, connection used by client to create Session
Destination:created by Session, unique to Connection. temporary destinations are used for request/reply messaging
transport connectors : client to broker
network connectors : brokers cluster, channels configured between brokers
forwarding bridge :
Messages sent to queues and topics are stored differently
storage for queues in FIFO, one message is dispatched to a consumer at a time, only acknowledged can be deleted from broker message store
topics‘ consumer get a copy of message, message can‘t be deleted until it‘s delivered to every subscriber