//说明 //输入已经按升序排好的数组num,需要查找的元素X //输出X在num中的索引,如果不存在,输出-1 //采用二分查找,时间复杂度O(logN) #include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; void main() { cout<<"Input:"<<endl; int a; char b; int N=0; int temp; vector<int> num; while(cin>>a) { b=cin.get(); num.push_back(a); if(b==‘\n‘) break; } N=num.size(); cout<<"The number you want to find:"<<endl; int X; cin>>X; //二分查找 int index; int low=0; int high=N-1; while(high>=low) { int mid=(low+high)/2; if(num[mid]==X) { index=mid; break; } else if(num[mid]<X) { low=mid+1; } else high=mid-1; } if(high<low) index=-1; cout<<"the index of X in vector num is:"<<index<<endl; }