在推荐系统中,最经典的推荐算法无疑是协同过滤(Collaborative Filtering, CF),而item-cf又是CF算法中一个实现简单且效果不错的算法。
Cosine Similarity是相似度的一种常用度量,根据《推荐系统实践》一书第2.4.2节关于Item-CF算法部分的说明,其计算公式如下:
举个例子,若对item1有过行为的用户集合为{u1, u2, u3},对item2有过行为的用户集合为{u1, u3, u4, u5},则根据上面的式子,item1和item2间的相似度为2/(3*4),其中分子的2是因为item1的user_list与item2的user_list的交集长度为2,即item1和item2的共现(co-occurence)次数是2。
在工程实现上,根据论文"Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering"的分析,为对活跃用户做惩罚,引入了IUF (Inverse User Frequency)的概念(与TF-IDF算法引入IDF的思路类似:活跃用户对物品相似度的贡献应该小于不活跃的用户),因此,对余弦相似度做改进后相似度计算公式如下:
可以看到,上式分子部分的1/log(1 + N(u))体现了对活跃用户的惩罚。
#!/bin/env/python import pyspark as ps import math import datetime as dt import util def generate_item_pair(x): """ Find co-occurence items of every given user Return a tuple in the format of ((item_0, item_1), cooccurrence_factor). """ items = x[1] item_cnt = len(items) alpha = 1 for i in items: item1 = i[0] ts1 = i[1] for j in items: item2 = j[0] ts2 = j[1] if item1 != item2: ## introduce time decay and penalize active users ft = 1.0 / (1 + alpha * abs(ts1 - ts2)) yield ((item1, item2), (ft / math.log(1 + item_cnt))) def compute_item_similarity(x): items = x[0] cooccurrence = float(x[1]) item_dict = g_item_freq_d norm_factor = 5 if items[0] in item_dict and items[1] in item_dict: freq_0 = item_dict[items[0]] freq_1 = item_dict[items[1]] ## calculate similarity between the item pair sim = cooccurrence / math.sqrt(freq_0 * freq_1) ## normalize similarity norm_sim = (cooccurrence / (cooccurrence + norm_factor)) * sim yield (items[0], (items[1], norm_sim)) def sort_items(x): """ For a given item, sort all items similar to it as descent (using similarity scores), take topN similar items, and return as the following format: given_item \t sorted_item_0$sorted_score_0,sorted_item_1$sorted_score_1,... """ similar_items = list(x[1]) if len(similar_items) > 0: ## sort list of (item, score) tuple by score from high to low similar_items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ## format the list of sorted items as a string similar_items_str = ",".join(["$".join(map(str,item)) for item in similar_items[0:50]]) yield "\t".join([str(x[0]), similar_items_str]) def main(): base_hdfs_uri = "hdfs://to/user/behavior/log" today = dt.date.today() knn_similarity_file = '%s/%s/knn_sim' % (base_hdfs_uri, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')) sc = ps.SparkContext() ## load user behavior from hdfs log ## each element in user_item is a tuple: (user, (item, timestamp)) history_s = (today - dt.timedelta(8)).strftime('%Y%m%d') history_e = (today - dt.timedelta(2)).strftime('%Y%m%d') input_files = util.get_input_files(action='play', start=history_s, end=history_e) user_item = sc.textFile(",".join(input_files)) .mapPartitions(util.parse_user_item) .map(lambda x: (x[0], (x[1], x[2]))) .distinct() .cache() ## compute item frequency and store as a global dict item_freq = user_item.map(lambda x: (x[1][0], 1)) .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y) .collect() global g_item_freq_d g_item_freq_d = dict() for x in item_freq: g_item_freq_d[x[0]] = x[1] ## compute item similarity and find top n most similar items item_pair_sim = user_item.groupByKey() .flatMap(generate_item_pair) .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y) .flatMap(compute_item_similarity) .groupByKey() .flatMap(sort_items) .cache() ## dump to hdfs item_pair_sim.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile(knn_similarity_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
上面的代码中,import util中引入的util只是负责从HDFS获取用户历史日志的文件名列表,非常简单,实现细节这里不赘述。
【参考资料】========================== EOF ===========================
Spark调研笔记第7篇 - 应用实战: 如何利用Spark集群计算物品相似度