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IBM 3624 Customer PIN,Natural PIN,PIN Offset的相关内容

时间:2015-06-16 01:22:19      阅读:460      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:pin offset   pan   pin   

IBM 3624 Customer PIN,Natural PIN,PIN Offset的相关内容

以下描述了利用IBM 3624产生k位用户pin的方法
1.用PIN Verification Key (PVK)加密PAN(Primary Account Number)最右16位,产生16位十六进制字符串;
2.利用Decimalisation Table = 0123456789012345,将第1步结果转换为10机制数,例如:
HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
DECIMAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. 取第2步结果的前k位,即可得到k为Natural PIN
4. Natural PIN加上PIN Offset值就得到了Customer PIN(注意:位加不进位,即:no-carry-addition);
5. 相反PIN Offset为Customer PIN减去Natural PIN(注意:位减不借位,即:no-borrows-subtraction). 

Examples 1:
Account: 1234567890123456
PVK: 1313131313131313
Decimalisation Table: 0123456789012345 , ie. 0(Hex) = 0, B(Hex) = 1, etc.
PIN length:k=6
Then the result of step 1 = 64DA85B3795AE4E4
Result of step 2 = 6430851379504444 (decimal)
Then Natural PIN = 643085
(1) Let PIN Offset be 456789
 Customer PIN = 643085 + 456789 (no carry-over on each digit) = 099764
(2) Let PIN Offset be 000000
 Customer PIN = 643085 + 000000 (no carry-over on each digit) = 643085

Examples 2:
Card number: 1234567890123445
PIN key: 0123456789ABCDEF
Encrypted card number: 9A466AD30DFE0381
Natural PIN: 9046.
Offset: 2298 (this number is written on track 3).
Customer PIN: 1234.

PIN Offset通常写在第三磁道


IBM 3624 Customer PIN,Natural PIN,PIN Offset的相关内容

标签:pin offset   pan   pin   


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