hash-max-zipmap-entries 64 (hash-max-ziplist-entries for Redis >= 2.6)
hash-max-zipmap-value 512 (hash-max-ziplist-value for Redis >= 2.6)
list-max-ziplist-entries 512
list-max-ziplist-value 64
zset-max-ziplist-entries 128
zset-max-ziplist-value 64
set-max-intset-entries 512
If a specially encoded value will overflow the configured max size, Redis will automatically convert it into normal encoding. This operation is very fast for small values, but if you change the setting in order to use specially encoded values for much larger aggregate types the suggestion is to run some benchmark and test to check the conversion time.
If you want to know more about this, read the next section.
I understand the title of this section is a bit scaring, but I‘m going to explain in details what this is about.
Basically it is possible to model a plain key-value store using Redis where values can just be just strings, that is not just more memory efficient than Redis plain keys but also much more memory efficient than memcached.
Let‘s start with some fact: a few keys use a lot more memory than a single key containing a hash with a few fields. How is this possible? We use a trick. In theory in order to guarantee that we perform
lookups in constant time (also known as O(1) in big O notation) there is the need to use a data structure with a constant time complexity in the average case, like
a hash table.
But many times hashes contain just a few fields. When hashes are small we can instead just encode them in an O(N)data structure, like a linear array with length-prefixed key value pairs.
Since we do this only when N is small, the amortized time for HGET and HSET commands is still O(1): the hash will be converted into a real hash table as soon as the number of elements it contains will grow too much (you can configure the limit in redis.conf).
很多时候hash只包含几个字段。当hash比较小时,我们可以只编码一个O(N)的数据结构,像一个有 长度和前缀key-value对的线性数组。因为现在的N非常小,所有HGET和HSET命令消耗也只是O(1):当这个hash不断地增加新元素那么它将被转换成一个真正的hash table(转换的限制可以在redis.conf中配置)
This does not work well just from the point of view of time complexity, but also from the point of view
of constant times, since a linear array of key value pairs happens to play very well with the CPU cache (it has a better cache locality than a hash table).
从时间复杂度来说这并不是很好,但是从恒定时间的观点上来看,key- value对的线性数组很好地利用了CPU 的缓存(它的缓存位置比hash好)。
However since hash fields and values are not (always) represented as full featured Redis objects, hash
fields can‘t have an associated time to live (expire) like a real key, and can only contain a string. But we are okay with this, this was anyway the intention when the hash data type API was designed (we trust simplicity more than features, so nested data
structures are not allowed, as expires of single fields are not allowed).
然而hash field和value不能表示所有的Redis 对象,hash field 不能像真正的key一样关联时间,并且只能包含string类型。但是这也是好的,因为这就是hash数据类型被设计的意图(我们坚信简单的特点,因此在hash中,嵌套不被允许,超时也不被允许)。
So hashes are memory efficient. This is very useful when using hashes to represent objects or to model other problems when there are group of related fields. But what about if we have a plain key value business?
因此hash是有内存效率的。在我们需要对表示一些有相关联字段的对象或者问题模式的时候非常有用。但是,如何只有一个 key-value的 业务会怎么样呢?
Imagine we want to use Redis as a cache for many small objects, that can be JSON encoded objects, small HTML fragments, simple key -> boolean values and so forth. Basically anything is a string ->
string map with small keys and values.
Now let‘s assume the objects we want to cache are numbered, like:
HSET object:12 34 somevalue
As you can see every hash will end containing 100 fields, that is an optimal compromise between CPU and memory saved.require ‘rubygems‘
require ‘redis‘
UseOptimization = true
def hash_get_key_field(key)
s = key.split(":")
if s[1].length > 2
{:key => s[0]+":"+s[1][0..-3], :field => s[1][-2..-1]}
{:key => s[0]+":", :field => s[1]}
def hash_set(r,key,value)
kf = hash_get_key_field(key)
def hash_get(r,key,value)
kf = hash_get_key_field(key)
r = Redis.new
key = "object:#{id}"
if UseOptimization
This is the result against a 64 bit instance of Redis 2.2:hash-max-zipmap-entries 256(元素小于256使用zipmap存储)
Also remember to set the following field accordingly to the maximum size of your keys and values:hash-max-zipmap-value 1024(key和value的长度小于2014使用zipmapcc)
Every time a hash will exceed the number of elements or element size specified it will be converted into a real hash table, and the memory saving will be lost.maxmemory
enables (however there are small extra allocations possible).maxmemory
设置最大内存(可能会有额外的消耗).mem_used / RSS
will be very high.maxmemory
not set Redis will keep allocating memory as it finds fit and thus it can (gradually) eat up all your free memory. Therefore it is generally advisable to configure some limit. You may also want to set maxmemory-policy
is not the default value in some
older versions of Redis).maxmemory
makes Redis return an out of memory error for write commands if and when it reaches the limit - which in turn may result in errors in the application but will not render the whole machine dead because of memory starvation.