select to_char(logtime, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) logtime,platform,sum(cash) money from platform_cash where logtime logtime>=to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) and logtime < to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘)+1 group by to_char(logtime,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘),platform order by logtime
select rownum as lastrank,bb.* from (select sum(cash) money,platform from platform_cash where logtime >= to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘)-1 and logtime < to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) group by platform order by money desc) bb
select aa.money,s1.name,aa.operate,s.lastrank from (select to_char(logtime, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) logtime,operate,sum(cash) money from platform_case where logtime logtime >= to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) and logtime < to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘)+1 group by to_char(logtime,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘),operate order by logtime)aa, (select rownum as lastrank,bb.* from (select sum(cash) money,operate from platform_cash where logtime >= to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘)-1 and logtime < to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) group by operate order by money desc) bb)s,(select name,oper_short as short from tab_oper)s1 where s1.short=aa.operate and aa.operate=s.operate(+)
select rownum as rank,t0.name name,t0.money data ,t0.lastrank last from ( select t. money , sl.name, t.platform ,s.lastrank from ( select to_char(logtime, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) logtime,platform, sum(cash_add) /100 money from mysql.t_rt_all_game_cash_add where gameid=14 and logtime >= to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) and logtime < to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘)+1 group by to_char(logtime, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘),platform order by logtime) t,(select rownum as lastrank,t1.* from( select sum(cash_add) /100 money,platform from mysql.t_rt_all_game_cash_add where gameid=14 and logtime >= to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘)-1 and logtime < to_date(‘20150616‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) group by platform order by money desc)t1)s, (select name, oper_short as platform from t_sy_operator ) sl where sl.platform=t.platform and t.platform=s.platform(+) order by money desc)t0 where rownum<=5