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《openstack-nova》use-novaclient 创建虚拟机(createvms.py)

时间:2015-06-17 11:34:05      阅读:437      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:python   api   nova   

 import sys
 import time
 import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as keystoneclient
 import novaclient.v1_1.client as novaclient
 import neutronclient.v2_0.client as neutronclient
 from credentials import *
     Creates a network and a COUNT of instances
     using the user / project configured in stackrc file  
 kcreds = get_keystone_creds()
 print "Connecting to keystone"
 keystone = keystoneclient.Client(**kcreds)
 print keystone.auth_token[0:20] + "..." + keystone.auth_token[tokenlen-20:tokenlen]
 ncreds = get_nova_creds()
 nova = novaclient.Client(**ncreds)
 flavors = nova.flavors.list(is_public=True)
 print flavors
 images = nova.images.list(detailed=False)
 print images  
 # get networks from quantum
 print "Find or create network..."
 network_url = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type=‘network‘)
 neutron = neutronclient.Client(endpoint_url=network_url, token=keystone.auth_token)
 networks = neutron.list_networks()[‘networks‘]
 print "Networks: "
 print [(nw[‘name‘],nw[‘id‘])for nw in networks]

 net = None
 net_id = None
 networks =  neutron.list_networks(name=NETWORK_NAME)[‘networks‘]
 if len(networks)>0 and networks[0][‘name‘] == NETWORK_NAME :  
     net_id = networks[0][‘id‘]
     print "Network found ", NETWORK_NAME, net_id
     net = neutron.create_network({‘network‘:  
               {‘name‘: NETWORK_NAME,‘admin_state_up‘: True} })
     print "Created network ", net
     net_id = net[‘network‘][‘id‘]
     sub = neutron.create_subnet({‘subnet‘: {
               ‘name‘: ‘subnet‘,
               ‘network_id‘: net_id,
               ‘ip_version‘: 4,
               ‘cidr‘: SUBNET_CIDR
     print "Created subnet ", sub
 print "List instances: "
 # check what we get so far for instances
 instances = nova.servers.list()
 for instance in instances:
     print ‘name: ‘, instance.name
     print ‘host id: ‘, instance.hostId
 print "Creating instances: "
 instance = nova.servers.create(INSTANCE_NAME, images[0], flavors[0]
                 # The actual number will be based on the quota.  
                 # see http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openstack/dev/17629
                 ,min_count=1, max_count=INSTANCE_COUNT
                 # if nics not specified, will connect to all project networks
                 ,nics=[{‘net-id‘: net_id}]
 # Poll at 5 second intervals, until the status is no longer ‘BUILD‘
 status = instance.status
 while status == ‘BUILD‘:
     # Retrieve the instance again so the status field updates
     instance = nova.servers.get(instance.id)
     status = instance.status
 print "status: %s" % status

《openstack-nova》use-novaclient 创建虚拟机(createvms.py)

标签:python   api   nova   


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