Given two strings s and t, determine if they are isomorphic.
Two strings are isomorphic if the characters in s can be replaced to get t.
All occurrences of a character must be replaced with another character while preserving the order of characters. No two characters may map to the same character but a character may map to itself.
For example,
Given "egg"
, "add"
return true.
Given "foo"
, "bar"
return false.
Given "paper"
, "title"
return true.
package leetcode; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author liqq * */ public class Isomorphic_Strings { public static boolean isIsomorphic(String s, String t) { char[] ch1 = s.toCharArray(); char[] ch2 = t.toCharArray(); int len = ch1.length; Map<Character, StringBuffer> _map1 = new LinkedHashMap<Character, StringBuffer>(); Map<Character, StringBuffer> _map2 = new LinkedHashMap<Character, StringBuffer>(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(_map1.get(ch1[i])==null){ _map1.put(ch1[i], new StringBuffer()); _map1.get(ch1[i]).append(i); }else{ _map1.get(ch1[i]).append(i); } if(_map2.get(ch2[i])==null){ _map2.put(ch2[i], new StringBuffer()); _map2.get(ch2[i]).append(i); }else{ _map2.get(ch2[i]).append(i); } if(_map1.values().size()!=_map2.values().size()){ return false; } } StringBuffer b1 = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer b2 = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator<StringBuffer> iterator1 = _map1.values().iterator(),iterator2 = _map2.values().iterator(); iterator1.hasNext()&&iterator2.hasNext();) { b1.append(iterator1.next()); b2.append(iterator2.next()); } return b1.toString().equals(b2.toString()); } }
Lettcode_205_Isomorphic Strings