今天有一个哥们说了一个bug,bug号是Bug 16884689,关键点不在于是什么样的bug,关键点在于该bug的描述有这么一点:影响平台 Port-Specific
这个Port-Specific 是啥意思?于是我就用“Port-Specific”为关键字在mos中搜索了一下,找到了一下一篇文章:
Size of Redo Log Files (文档 ID 111655.1)
Problem Description ------------------- You notice that there is a discrepancy between the size of your online redo logs as reported in V$LOG, and that reported by the o/s. For example on Compaq Tru64 Unix: SELECT bytes from V$LOG BYTES --------- 1048576 1048576 1048576 1048576 ls -l for On-Line rego logs 1049600 Solution Description -------------------- The online redo logs (and also archived logs) have a header block which is not reported in the V$VIEWS. The size of this block is port-specific. 1024 bytes on Compaq Tru 64 unix, 512 bytes on Solaris etc.
结合如上所述,基本上能断定如下:Port-Specific是 指定平台的意思。