在我们的Scope PreviewWidget,我们可以利用audio PreviewWidget来播放我们的音乐。这对一些音乐的Scope来说,非常中要。在今天的练习中,我们来利用这个它来在我们的Scope中来试听我们的音乐。
git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/scopetemplates.git
void Query::pushResult(sc::SearchReplyProxy const& reply, const string renderer, int i) { stringstream ss; ss << i; string str = ss.str(); auto cat = reply->register_category( "id" + str, "Template " + str , "", sc::CategoryRenderer(renderer) ); sc::CategorisedResult r(cat); r.set_uri( URI.toStdString() ); r.set_art( images_[0].toStdString() ); r["subtitle"] = "Subtitle " + str; r.set_title("Title " + str); r["summary"] = "Summary: " + str; r["fulldesc"] = "fulldesc: " + str; r["mascot"] = icons_[0].toStdString(); r["emblem"] = icons_[1].toStdString(); r["background"] = background_.toStdString(); r["overlay-color"] = "#FF0000"; QString likes = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8"\u261d "), "100"); QString views = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8" \u261f "), "99"); std::string both = qstr("%1 %2").arg(likes,views).toStdString(); sc::VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant(both)} }); builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant("")} }); r["attributes"] = builder.end(); r["musicSource"] = "http://qqmp3.djwma.com/mp3/魔音神据极品私货这锯子拉的耳膜都要碎了.mp3"; if (!reply->push(r)) return; }
void Preview::run(sc::PreviewReplyProxy const& reply) { // Support three different column layouts sc::ColumnLayout layout1col(1), layout2col(2), layout3col(3); // We define 3 different layouts, that will be used depending on the // device. The shell (view) will decide which layout fits best. // If, for instance, we are executing in a tablet probably the view will use // 2 or more columns. // Column layout definitions are optional. // However, we recommend that scopes define layouts for the best visual appearance. // Single column layout layout1col.add_column( { "image", "header", "summary", "tracks" }); // Two column layout layout2col.add_column( { "image" }); layout2col.add_column( { "header", "summary", "tracks" }); // Three cokumn layout layout3col.add_column( { "image" }); layout3col.add_column( { "header", "summary", "tracks" }); layout3col.add_column( { }); // Register the layouts we just created reply->register_layout( { layout1col, layout2col, layout3col }); // Define the header section sc::PreviewWidget header("header", "header"); // It has title and a subtitle properties header.add_attribute_mapping("title", "title"); header.add_attribute_mapping("subtitle", "subtitle"); // Define the image section sc::PreviewWidget image("image", "image"); // It has a single source property, mapped to the result's art property image.add_attribute_mapping("source", "art"); // Define the summary section sc::PreviewWidget description("summary", "text"); // It has a text property, mapped to the result's description property description.add_attribute_mapping("text", "description"); Result result = PreviewQueryBase::result(); PreviewWidget listen("tracks", "audio"); { VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"title", Variant("This is the song title")}, {"source", Variant(result["musicSource"].get_string().c_str())} }); listen.add_attribute_value("tracks", builder.end()); } if ( result["musicSource"].get_string().length() != 0 ) { qDebug() << "it is not null"; // Push each of the sections reply->push( { image, header, description, listen }); } else { // Push each of the sections reply->push( { image, header, description }); }} 在这里,我们可以看到:
Result result = PreviewQueryBase::result(); PreviewWidget listen("tracks", "audio"); { VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"title", Variant("This is the song title")}, {"source", Variant(result["musicSource"].get_string().c_str())} }); listen.add_attribute_value("tracks", builder.end()); } if ( result["musicSource"].get_string().length() != 0 ) { qDebug() << "it is not null"; // Push each of the sections reply->push( { image, header, description, listen }); } else { // Push each of the sections reply->push( { image, header, description }); }
整个项目的源码在:git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/scopetemplates_audio.git
利用audio PreviewWidget在Scope中来播放音乐