The focus events defined in this specification occur in a set order relative to one another. The following is the typical sequence of events when a focus is shifted between elements (this order assumes that no element is initially focused):
Event Name Notes
User shifts focus
1. focusin Sent before first target element receives focus
2. focus Sent after first target element receives focus
User shifts focus
3. focusout Sent before first target element loses focus
4. focusin Sent before second target element receives focus
5. blur Sent after first target element loses focus
6. focus Sent after second target element receives focus
Certain mouse events defined in this specification must occur in a set order relative to one another. The following shows the event sequence that must occur when a pointing device‘s cursor is moved over an element:
Event Name Element Notes
1. mousemove
Pointing device is moved into element A...
2. mouseover A
3. mouseenter A
4. mousemove A Multiple events
Pointing device is moved out of element A...
5. mouseout A
6. mouseleave A
When a pointing device is moved into an element A, and then into a nested element B and then back out again, the following sequence of events must occur:
Event Name Element Notes
1. mousemove
Pointing device is moved into element A...
2. mouseover A
3. mouseenter A
4. mousemove A Multiple events
Pointing device is moved into nested element B...
5. mouseout A
6. mouseover B
7. mouseenter B
8. mousemove B Multiple events
Pointing device is moved from element B into A...
9. mouseout B
10. mouseleave B
11. mouseover A
12. mousemove A Multiple events
Pointing device is moved out of element A...
13. mouseout A
14. mouseleave A
Sometimes elements can be visually overlapped using CSS. In the following example, three elements labeled A, B, and C all have the same dimensions and absolute position on a web page. Element C is a child of B, and B is a child of A in the DOM:
When the pointing device is moved from outside the element stack to the element labeled C and then moved out again, the following series of events must occur:
Event Name Element Notes
1. mousemove
Pointing device is moved into element C, the topmost element in the stack
2. mouseover C
3. mouseenter A
4. mouseenter B
5. mouseenter C
6. mousemove C Multiple events
Pointing device is moved out of element C...
7. mouseout C
8. mouseleave C
9. mouseleave B
10. mouseleave A
The following is the typical sequence of events when a button associated with a pointing device (e.g., a mouse button or trackpad) is pressed and released over an element:
Event Name Notes
1. mousedown
2. mousemove optional, multiple events, some limits
3. mouseup
4. click
5. mousemove optional, multiple events, some limits
6. mousedown
7. mousemove optional, multiple events, some limits
8. mouseup
9. click
10. dblclick
The keyboard events defined in this specification occur in a set order relative to one another, for any given key:
Event Name Notes
1. keydown
2. beforeinput (only for keys which produce a character value)
Any default actions related to this key, such as inserting a character in to the DOM.
3. input (only for keys which have updated the DOM)
Any events as a result of the key being held for a sustained period (see below).
4. keyup
If the key is depressed for a sustained period, the following events may repeat at an environment-dependent rate:
Event Name Notes
1. keydown (with repeat attribute set to true)
2. beforeinput (only for keys which produce a character value)
Any default actions related to this key, such as inserting a character in to the DOM.
3. input (only for keys which have updated the DOM)