Deep Learning: A Practitioner‘s Approach Fundamentals of Deep Learning: Designing Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
R in action
这些年看完的书: The little sas book Python科学计算 Machine Learning in action Programming Collective Intelligence Mastering Regular Expressions SPSS统计分析从入门到精通 SPSS数据分析与挖掘实战案例 Learning.PHP.MySQL.JavaScript.CSS.and.HTML5 PHP in action PMPBOOK Data_Analysis_with_Open_Source_Tools getting start with arduino Getting started with Raspberry Pi Making things Talk Social Network Analysis Python核心编程
Regular Expressions cookbook
Mastering Regular Expressions
Natural Language Processing with Python
Python Text Processing with NLTK2.0 Cookbook
MongoDB in Action
还有一堆看了一部分没看完的: 支持向量机导论 神经网络设计 Hadoop权威指南 Machout in action R in action Fast data processing with spark 算法导论 概率论沉思录 统计自然语言处理