int do_getmac(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { //usend d43d7e45371c 1234 1234 hhaa char ethsrc[6]={0xff ,0xff ,0xff ,0xff ,0xff, 0xff}; char ethdst[6]={0xff ,0xff ,0xff ,0xff ,0xff, 0xff}; _getmac(argv[2],ethsrc); getmacfromipaddress(argv[1],ethdst,argv[3],ethsrc); //printf("%s mac is %x %x %x %x %x %x\n",argv[1],eth[0],eth[1],eth[2],eth[3],eth[4],eth[5]); return 0; } U_BOOT_CMD (getmac, 6, 1, do_getmac, "loadable FPGA image support", "[operation type] [device number] [image address] [image size]\n" );common/tftp.c
int global_raw_reveive = 0; void getmacfromipaddress(const char* remoteip, char* remoteeth,const char* ourip,char* oureth) { /* and do the ARP request */ IPaddr_t RemoteIP; IPaddr_t MyIP; RemoteIP= string_to_ip(remoteip); MyIP = string_to_ip(ourip); ArpRequestsend(RemoteIP,oureth,MyIP); global_raw_reveive = 1; eth_rx(); global_raw_reveive = 0; // NetRxPacket = inpkt; // NetRxPacketLen = len; //printbuffer((unsigned char*)NetRxPacket,NetRxPacketLen); //_printarp((unsigned char*)NetRxPacket,NetRxPacketLen); return 1; /* waiting */ }
void ArpRequestsend(IPaddr_t remoteip,char* oureth,IPaddr_t ourip) { int i; volatile uchar *pkt; ARP_t *arp; pkt = NetTxPacket; pkt += NetSetEther(pkt, NetBcastAddr, PROT_ARP); arp = (ARP_t *) pkt; arp->ar_hrd = htons(ARP_ETHER); arp->ar_pro = htons(PROT_IP); arp->ar_hln = 6; arp->ar_pln = 4; arp->ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST); /* source ET addr */ memcpy(&arp->ar_data[0], oureth, 6); /* source IP addr */ NetWriteIP((uchar *) &arp->ar_data[6], ourip); for (i = 10; i < 16; ++i) { /* dest ET addr = 0 */ arp->ar_data[i] = 0; } NetWriteIP((uchar *) &arp->ar_data[16], remoteip); (void) eth_send(NetTxPacket, (pkt - NetTxPacket) + ARP_HDR_SIZE); }
void NetReceive(volatile uchar *inpkt, int len) { Ethernet_t *et; IP_t *ip; ARP_t *arp; IPaddr_t tmp; IPaddr_t src_ip; int x; uchar *pkt; #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_CDP) int iscdp; #endif ushort cti = 0, vlanid = VLAN_NONE, myvlanid, mynvlanid; debug("packet received.%d\n", len); NetRxPacket = inpkt; NetRxPacketLen = len; et = (Ethernet_t *)inpkt; <span style="color:#FF0000;">if(global_raw_reveive){ //global_raw_reveive=0; printpacket((Ethernet_t *)NetRxPacket,len); return; }</span>
void printbuffer(unsigned char* buffer, int len) { int i; for(i=0;i<len;i++){ printf("%2.2x ",buffer[i]); if((i&15)==15)printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } #define printhex(a,b) printf(#b##"=%x\n",a->b); void printarp(ARP_t * arp,int len) { // ushort ar_hrd; /* Format of hardware address */ // ushort ar_pro; /* Format of protocol address */ // uchar ar_hln; /* Length of hardware address */ // uchar ar_pln; /* Length of protocol address */ // ushort ar_op; /* Operation */ // uchar ar_data[0]; printhex(arp,ar_hrd); printhex(arp,ar_pro); printhex(arp,ar_hln); printhex(arp,ar_pln); printhex(arp,ar_op); printf("mac_src %x %x %x %x %x %x\n",arp->ar_data[0],arp->ar_data[1],arp->ar_data[2],arp->ar_data[3],arp->ar_data[4],arp->ar_data[5]); printf("ip_src %x %x %x %x\n",arp->ar_data[6],arp->ar_data[7],arp->ar_data[8],arp->ar_data[9]); printf("mac_dst %x %x %x %x %x %x\n",arp->ar_data[10],arp->ar_data[11],arp->ar_data[12],arp->ar_data[13],arp->ar_data[14],arp->ar_data[15]); printf("ip_dst %x %x %x %x\n",arp->ar_data[16],arp->ar_data[17],arp->ar_data[18],arp->ar_data[19]); } int printpacket(Ethernet_t* eth,int len) { // typedef struct { // uchar et_dest[6]; /* Destination node */ // uchar et_src[6]; /* Source node */ // ushort et_protlen; /* Protocol or length */ // uchar et_dsap; /* 802 DSAP */ // uchar et_ssap; /* 802 SSAP */ // uchar et_ctl; /* 802 control */ // uchar et_snap1; /* SNAP */ // uchar et_snap2; // uchar et_snap3; // ushort et_prot; /* 802 protocol */ // } Ethernet_t; printbuffer((unsigned char*)eth,len); printf("\net_dest %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x\n", eth->et_dest[0],eth->et_dest[1],eth->et_dest[2],eth->et_dest[3], eth->et_dest[4],eth->et_dest[5]); printf("et_src %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x\n", eth->et_src[0],eth->et_src[1],eth->et_src[2],eth->et_src[3],eth->et_src[4],eth->et_src[5]); if(isnotvlan()){ printf("et_protlen %x",eth->et_protlen); printf("et_dsap %x\n",eth->et_dsap); printf("et_ssap %x\n",eth->et_ssap); printf("et_ctl %x\n",eth->et_ctl); printf("et_snap1 %x\n",eth->et_snap1); printf("et_snap2 %x\n",eth->et_snap2); printf("et_snap3 %x\n",eth->et_snap3); printf("et_prot %x\n",eth->et_prot); switch(eth->et_protlen){ case 0x608:printf("PROT_ARP");printarp((ARP_t * )((unsigned char*)eth+ETHER_HDR_SIZE),len-ETHER_HDR_SIZE);break; case 0x8: printf("PROT_IP");printip((IP_t * )((unsigned char*)eth+ETHER_HDR_SIZE),len-ETHER_HDR_SIZE);break; case 0x3680:printf("PROT_RARP");printarp((ARP_t * )((unsigned char*)eth+ETHER_HDR_SIZE),len-ETHER_HDR_SIZE);break; case 0x81:printf("PROT_VLAN");break; } printf("\n"); return ETHER_HDR_SIZE; }else{ VLAN_Ethernet_t *veth = (VLAN_Ethernet_t *)eth; // uchar vet_dest[6]; /* Destination node */ // uchar vet_src[6]; /* Source node */ // ushort vet_vlan_type; /* PROT_VLAN */ // ushort vet_tag; /* TAG of VLAN */ // ushort vet_type; /* protocol type */ printf("vet_vlan_type %x\n",veth->vet_vlan_type); printf("vet_tag %x\n",veth->vet_tag); printf("vet_type %x\n",veth->vet_type); return VLAN_ETHER_HDR_SIZE; } } void printip(IP_t* ip,int len) { // typedef struct { // uchar ip_hl_v; /* header length and version */ // uchar ip_tos; /* type of service */ // ushort ip_len; /* total length */ // ushort ip_id; /* identification */ // ushort ip_off; /* fragment offset field */ // uchar ip_ttl; /* time to live */ // uchar ip_p; /* protocol */ // ushort ip_sum; /* checksum */ // IPaddr_t ip_src; /* Source IP address */ // IPaddr_t ip_dst; /* Destination IP address */ // ushort udp_src; /* UDP source port */ // ushort udp_dst; /* UDP destination port */ // ushort udp_len; /* Length of UDP packet */ // ushort udp_xsum; /* Checksum */ // } IP_t; printf("ip_hl_v %x\n",ip->ip_hl_v); printf("ip_tos %x\n",ip->ip_tos); printf("ip_len %x\n",ip->ip_len); printf("ip_id %x\n",ip->ip_id); printf("ip_off %x\n",ip->ip_off); printf("ip_ttl %x\n",ip->ip_ttl); printf("ip_p %x\n",ip->ip_p); printf("ip_sum %x\n",ip->ip_sum); if(17==ip->ip_p){ unsigned char* p1; printf("UDP\n"); printf("udp_src %x\n",ip->udp_src); printf("udp_dst %x\n",ip->udp_dst); printf("udp_len %x\n",ip->udp_len); printf("udp_xsum %x\n",ip->udp_xsum); p1 = (unsigned char*)&ip->ip_src; printf("ip_src %d %d %d %d\n",p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3]); p1 = (unsigned char*)&ip->ip_dst; printf("ip_dst %d %d %d %d\n",p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3]); }else if(1==ip->ip_p){ printf("ICMP\n"); } }
static int cpsw_send(struct eth_device *dev, volatile void *packet, int length) { struct cpsw_priv *priv = dev->priv; void *buffer; int len; int status; int i; <span style="color:#FF0000;">unsigned char* p=(unsigned char*)packet; Ethernet_t *et = (Ethernet_t *)p; IP_t *ip = (IP_t *)(p+ETHER_HDR_SIZE); printf("cpsw_send: length=%x\n",length); //00 0c 29 6a 86 4e // p[0]=0; // p[1]=0xc; // p[2]=0x29; // p[3]=0x6a; // p[4]=0x86; // p[5]=0x4e; printpacket(et,length); printf("beging send ...\n");</span>