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hadoop 伪分布式搭建

时间:2015-07-02 15:37:03      阅读:160      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


    1.0点击VMware快捷方式,右键打开文件所在位置 -> 双击vmnetcfg.exe -> VMnet1 host-only ->修改subnet ip 设置网段: 子网掩码: -> apply -> ok
        回到windows --> 打开网络和共享中心 -> 更改适配器设置 -> 右键VMnet1 -> 属性 -> 双击IPv4 -> 设置windows的IP: 子网掩码: -> 点击确定
        在虚拟软件上 --My Computer -> 选中虚拟机 -> 右键 -> settings -> network adapter -> host only -> ok    
        vim /etc/sysconfig/network
        HOSTNAME=itcast01    ###

            进入Linux图形界面 -> 右键点击右上方的两个小电脑 -> 点击Edit connections -> 选中当前网络System eth0 -> 点击edit按钮 -> 选择IPv4 -> method选择为manual -> 点击add按钮 -> 添加IP: 子网掩码: 网关: -> apply
            vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
            BOOTPROTO="static"               ###
            IPADDR=""           ###
            NETMASK=""          ###
            GATEWAY=""            ###
        vim /etc/hosts
        service iptables status
        service iptables stop
        chkconfig iptables --list
        chkconfig iptables off

        mkdir /usr/java
        tar -zxvf jdk-7u55-linux-i586.tar.gz -C /usr/java/
        vim /etc/profile
        export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_55
        export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
        source /etc/profil
        vim hadoop-env.sh
        export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_65
        <!-- 制定HDFS的老大(NameNode)的地址 -->
        <!-- 指定hadoop运行时产生文件的存储目录 -->
        <!-- 指定HDFS副本的数量 -->
    第四个:mapred-site.xml (mv mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml)
        mv mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml
        vim mapred-site.xml
        <!-- 指定mr运行在yarn上 -->
        <!-- 指定YARN的老大(ResourceManager)的地址 -->
        <!-- reducer获取数据的方式 -->
    vim /etc/proflie
        export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_65
        export HADOOP_HOME=/itcast/hadoop-2.4.1
        export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin

    source /etc/profile
        hdfs namenode -format (hadoop namenode -format)
        27408 NameNode
        28218 Jps
        27643 SecondaryNameNode
        28066 NodeManager
        27803 ResourceManager
        27512 DataNode
    (HDFS管理界面) (MR管理界面)
    cd ~/.ssh

    ssh-keygen -t rsa (四个回车)
    ssh-copy-id localhost




[root@hd-m1 /]# ./hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/sbin/start-all.sh
This script is Deprecated. Instead use start-dfs.sh and start-yarn.sh
15/01/23 20:23:41 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Starting namenodes on [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/lib/native/libhadoop.so.1.0.0 which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It‘s highly recommended that you fix the library with ‘execstack -c <libfile>‘, or link it with ‘-z noexecstack‘.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s‘
-c: Unknown cipher type ‘cd‘

hd-m1: starting namenode, logging to /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/hadoop-root-namenode-hd-m1.out
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Temporary failure in name resolution
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Temporary failure in name resolution
Client: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Client: Temporary failure in name resolution
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Temporary failure in name resolution
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
loaded: ssh: Could not resolve hostname loaded: Temporary failure in name resolution
might: ssh: Could not resolve hostname might: Temporary failure in name resolution
which: ssh: Could not resolve hostname which: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
disabled: ssh: Could not resolve hostname disabled: Temporary failure in name resolution
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard.: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
The: ssh: Could not resolve hostname The: Temporary failure in name resolution
try: ssh: Could not resolve hostname try: Temporary failure in name resolution
will: ssh: Could not resolve hostname will: Temporary failure in name resolution
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Temporary failure in name resolution
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard: Temporary failure in name resolution
It‘s: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It‘s: Temporary failure in name resolution
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Temporary failure in name resolution
recommended: ssh: Could not resolve hostname recommended: Temporary failure in name resolution
highly: ssh: Could not resolve hostname highly: Temporary failure in name resolution
that: ssh: Could not resolve hostname that: Temporary failure in name resolution
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
‘execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ‘execstack: Temporary failure in name resolution
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
< libfile>‘,: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>‘,: Temporary failure in name resolution
or: ssh: Could not resolve hostname or: Temporary failure in name resolution
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Temporary failure in name resolution
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Temporary failure in name resolution
‘-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ‘-z: Temporary failure in name resolution

with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
noexecstack‘.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack‘.: Temporary failure in name resolution
hd-s1: starting datanode, logging to /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/hadoop-root-datanode-hd-s1.out
hd-s2: starting datanode, logging to /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/hadoop-root-datanode-hd-s2.out
Starting secondary namenodes [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: You have loaded library /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/lib/native/libhadoop.so.1.0.0 which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It‘s highly recommended that you fix the library with ‘execstack -c <libfile>‘, or link it with ‘-z noexecstack‘.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s‘
-c: Unknown cipher type ‘cd‘
Client: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Client: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Temporary failure in name resolution
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
loaded: ssh: Could not resolve hostname loaded: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
might: ssh: Could not resolve hostname might: Temporary failure in name resolution
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Temporary failure in name resolution
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Temporary failure in name resolution
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Temporary failure in name resolution
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Temporary failure in name resolution
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard: Temporary failure in name resolution
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Temporary failure in name resolution
It‘s: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It‘s: Temporary failure in name resolution
disabled: ssh: Could not resolve hostname disabled: Temporary failure in name resolution
highly: ssh: Could not resolve hostname highly: Temporary failure in name resolution
that: ssh: Could not resolve hostname that: Temporary failure in name resolution

recommended: ssh: Could not resolve hostname recommended: Temporary failure in name resolution
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Temporary failure in name resolution

try: ssh: Could not resolve hostname try: Temporary failure in name resolution
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Temporary failure in name resolution

fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Temporary failure in name resolution

the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Temporary failure in name resolution
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Temporary failure in name resolution
‘execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ‘execstack: Temporary failure in name resolution
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
or: ssh: Could not resolve hostname or: Temporary failure in name resolution
< libfile>‘,: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>‘,: Temporary failure in name resolution
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Temporary failure in name resolution
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Temporary failure in name resolution
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Temporary failure in name resolution
which: ssh: Could not resolve hostname which: Temporary failure in name resolution
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Temporary failure in name resolution
The: ssh: Could not resolve hostname The: Temporary failure in name resolution
noexecstack‘.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack‘.: Temporary failure in name resolution
‘-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ‘-z: Temporary failure in name resolution
will: ssh: Could not resolve hostname will: Temporary failure in name resolution
SecondaryNameNode: ssh: Could not resolve hostname SecondaryNameNode: Temporary failure in name resolution
guard.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard.: Temporary failure in name resolution
15/01/23 20:24:48 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable

starting yarn daemons
starting resourcemanager, logging to /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/yarn-root-resourcemanager-hd-m1.out
hd-s1: starting nodemanager, logging to /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/yarn-root-nodemanager-hd-s1.out
hd-s2: starting nodemanager, logging to /hadoop/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/yarn-root-nodemanager-hd-s2.out



  #vi /etc/profile或者vi ~/.bash_profile
    export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib"

  #source /etc/profile或者source ~/.bash_profile



jdk 下载地址为:



hadoop2.4.1 64位下载地址为:





hadoop 伪分布式搭建



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