#include <iostream> #include <stack> using namespace std; typedef struct ListNode { int data; struct ListNode* next; }NODE; NODE *CreateList() { NODE * head,*p,*s; head=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p=head; int LinkData; int InputIndex=1; while(InputIndex) { cout<<"Please input the Node data.(if 0 is inputed,CreateLink Over!): "; cin>>LinkData; if(0!=LinkData) { s=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); s->data=LinkData; p->next=s; p=s; } else { InputIndex=0; } } head=head->next; p->next=NULL; return head; } void Print(NODE *head) { NODE *p=head; cout<<"The LinkList is: "; while(p!=NULL) { cout<<p->data<<" "; p=p->next; } } void ListLength(NODE*head) { NODE* p=head; int count =0; while(p!=NULL) { count++; p=p->next; } cout<<"The length is: "<<count<<endl; } void InsertNode(NODE* head) { NODE *p=head; while(p->next!=NULL) { p=p->next; } NODE *New; New=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"Please input the new data: "; cin>>New->data; p->next=New; New->next=NULL; head=p; } void ReversePrint(NODE* head) { stack <NODE*> StackNode; NODE *p=head; while(p!=NULL) { StackNode.push(p); p=p->next; } cout<<"Reverse to Print: "; while(!StackNode.empty()) { NODE* temp; temp=StackNode.top(); StackNode.pop(); cout<<temp->data<<" "; } } void DeleteNode(NODE *head,int DelValue) { NODE *p=head; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->next->data==DelValue) { p->next=p->next->next; break; } else { p=p->next; } } head=p; } int main() { cout<<"Create New LinkList....\n"<<endl; NODE *p=CreateList(); cout<<"Print the LinkList.....\n"<<endl; Print(p); cout<<"Print the length of LinkList...\n"<<endl; ListLength(p); cout<<"Insert a New LinkNode....\n"<<endl; InsertNode(p); cout<<"Cout The New LinkNode....\n"<<endl; Print(p); cout<<"Reverse to input the LinkList...\n"<<endl; ReversePrint(p); cout<<"Delete a Node in LinkList....\n"<<endl; int DelValue; cout<<"Please input the Delete Node Value"<<endl; cin>>DelValue; DeleteNode(p,DelValue); cout<<"Print the del Node LinkList....\n"<<endl; Print(p); cout<<endl; return 0; }