SYN_SEND Indicates active open.
SYN_RECEIVED Server just received SYN from the client.
ESTABLISHED Client received server‘s SYN and session is established.
LISTEN Server is ready to accept connection.
NOTE: See documentation for listen() socket call. TCP sockets in listening state are not shown - this is a limitation of NETSTAT. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
FIN_WAIT_1 Indicates active close.
TIMED_WAIT Client enters this state after active close.
CLOSE_WAIT Indicates passive close. Server just received first FIN from a client.
FIN_WAIT_2 Client just received acknowledgment of its first FIN from the server.
LAST_ACK Server is in this state when it sends its own FIN.
CLOSED Server received ACK from client and connection is closed.