<select id="find" parameterType="OrderDetail" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select * from crm_order_detail det join crm_order de on det.o_id=de.o_id join crm_user_info cu on cu.crm_id=de.c_id join crm_gods gods on gods.g_id=det.g_id where de.e_id=#{order.worker.uid} <if test="state!=null and state>=0"> and det.state=#{state} </if> <if test="god!=null and god.name!=null and god.name!='' "> and gods.g_name like '%'||#{god.name}||'%' </if> <!--<if test="odate!=null and udate!=null"> <![CDATA[ >= ]]> and odate between to_date(#{odate},'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date(#{udate},'yyyy-mm-dd') </if> --> <if test="order!=null and order.customer!=null and order.customer.cname!=null and order.customer.cname!=''"> and cu.cname like '%'||#{order.customer.cname}||'%' </if> </select>