3、GIT分支和SVN的分支不同,SVN的分支就是版本库中的另外的一个目录。如果你想知道是否合并了一个分支,你需要手工运行像这样的命令svn propget,svn mergeinfo来确认代码是否被合并。GIT的分支却相当的简单。你可以从同一个工作目录下快速的在几个分支间切换,并且很容易发现未被合并的分支。
[root@git gittest]# yum install git
[root@git gittest]# git init Initialized empty Git repository in/home/gittest/.git/ [root@git gittest]# ls -a . .. .git [root@git gittest]# ls .git/ branches config description HEAD hooks info objects refs
[root@git gittest]# echo "my firstfile!" > file1.txt -bash: !": event not found [root@git gittest]# [root@git gittest]# echo "my firstfile!" -bash: !": event not found [root@git gittest]# echo "my firstfile" > file1.txt [root@git gittest]# git add file1.txt #这里把file1.txt提交到暂存区 [root@git gittest]# git status #查看git当前信息 # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Changes to be committed: # (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) # # newfile: file1.txt #这里能看到新增了一个文件 # [root@git gittest]# git commit -m"my first file to git" #这里才是真正的提交到git仓库,-m指定描述字符串 [master (root-commit) 97e5eca] my firstfile to git Committer: root <root@git.(none)> Your name and email address were configuredautomatically based on your username and hostname. Please checkthat they are accurate. You can suppress this message by settingthem explicitly: git config --global "Your Name" #这里提示我们配置自己的用户名和邮箱 git config --global If the identity used for this commit iswrong, you can fix it with: git commit --amend --author=‘Your Name <>‘ 1files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) #这里能看出有一个文件被提交了 create mode 100644 file1.txt [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) #再次查看,暂存区已经没有要提交的文件了,除非我们再次add文件
[root@git gittest]# git config "juchangfei" [root@git gittest]# git config [root@git gittest]# git config --globalcolor.ui true #配置颜色,这样在显示信息的时候就有颜色了 [root@git gittest]# git config –list #查看已经配置成功 color.ui=true core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=false core.logallrefupdates=true
[root@git gittest]# echo "mysecond file" > file2.txt [root@git gittest]# echo "my thirdfile" > file3.txt [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # newfile: file2.txt # # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will becommitted) # # file3.txt [root@git gittest]# git commit -m"file2 add, file 3 no add" [master add3223] file2 add, file 3 no add 1files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 file2.txt [root@git gittest]# git status #从这里能看到没有file3在没有add之前是提交不到仓库的 # On branch master # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will becommitted) # # file3.txt nothing added to commit but untracked filespresent (use "git add" to track) [root@git gittest]#
查看git log
[root@git gittest]# git log #能看到提交了两次,有两个文件file1和file2 commitadd32239fbffb84e74167344f26f4a3cd4db58ca Author: juchangfei<> Date: Sun Jul 12 08:18:31 2015 +0800 file2 add, file 3 no add commit97e5ecadf5cf798479711030e05c476793c32be0 Author: root<root@git.(none)> Date: Sun Jul 12 08:01:35 2015 +0800 my first file to git
[root@git gittest]# echo "something" >> file1.txt [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master # Changed but notupdated: # (use "git add <file>..." toupdate what will be committed) # (use "git checkout --<file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: file1.txt #看到file1被修改 # # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." toinclude in what will be committed) # # file3.txt no changes addedto commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") [root@git gittest]# git diff file1.txt #可以用这个命令查看修改之前与修改之后的区别 diff --gita/file1.txt b/file1.txt index86ac065..0dc6077 100644 --- a/file1.txt +++ b/file1.txt @@ -1 +1,2 @@ my first file +something #增加的内容在这里 [root@git gittest]# git add file1.txt file3.txt [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master # Changes to becommitted: # (use "git reset HEAD<file>..." to unstage) # # modified: file1.txt # new file: file3.txt # [root@git gittest]# git commit -m "file1 and file3" [master 071fdf3]file1 and file3 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0deletions(-) create mode 100644 file3.txt
[root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file something [root@git gittest]# git reset --hard HEAD^ #^表示回退到上一个版本,^^表示回退到上上个版本,以此类推 HEAD is now atadd3223 file2 add, file 3 no add #看这里 [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt #看到file后加的一行没有了 my first file [root@git gittest]# ls #file3文件也没有了 file1.txt file2.txt
[root@git gittest]# git reflog add3223 HEAD@{0}:HEAD^: updating HEAD 071fdf3 HEAD@{1}:commit: file1 and file3 add3223 HEAD@{2}:commit: file2 add, file 3 no add 97e5eca HEAD@{3}:commit (initial): my first file to git
[root@git gittest]# git reset --hard 97e5eca HEAD is now at97e5eca my first file to git [root@git gittest]# ls #查看已经回退第一个版本,只有file1了 file1.txt
[root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file [root@git gittest]# echo "the test something" >> file1.txt #增加一行 [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file the test something [root@git gittest]# git checkout -- file1.txt #检出操作 [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt #刚才添加的又没有了 my first file [root@git gittest]# echo "the test something222" >> file1.txt #重新添加一行 [root@git gittest]# git add file1.txt #我先添加到暂存区 [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master # Changes to becommitted: # (use "git reset HEAD<file>..." to unstage) # # modified: file1.txt # [root@git gittest]# git checkout -- file1.txt #再做检出操作 [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master # Changes to becommitted: # (use "git reset HEAD<file>..." to unstage) # # modified: file1.txt # [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt #看这里,file1并没有被覆盖 my first file the test something222 [root@git gittest]#
首先得在github上注册一个帐号,然后新一个版本库,并且把本地的公钥添加github上,这个过程就不细说了,然后做以下操作。为什么GitHub需要SSH Key呢?因为GitHub需要识别出你推送的提交确实是你推送的,而不是别人冒充的。
[root@git gittest]# cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [root@git gittest]# git remote add origin [root@git gittest]#cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote"origin"] #这是新增的 url = fetch =+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [root@git gittest]# git push -u origin master error: Therequested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing fatal: HTTPrequest failed #我们看到这里报错了,解决方法见下文 [root@git gittest]# git remote set-url origin ssh:// #把url修改成这样,在github上创建好项目后,会生成一个项目路径,按照github上的说法,http和ssh均有读写的权限Read+Write access。但是有时候http方式貌似不行。 [root@git gittest]# cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote"origin"] url =ssh:// #已经改过来了 fetch =+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [root@git gittest]# git pull origin master Fromssh:// * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Alreadyup-to-date. [root@git gittest]# git push -u origin master #push完之后在github上就能看到file1了,如下图 Counting objects:9, done. Delta compressionusing up to 4 threads. Compressingobjects: 100% (4/4), done. Writing objects:100% (8/8), 747 bytes, done. Total 8 (delta 0),reused 0 (delta 0) To ssh:// 90419da..51fcdf1 master -> master Branch master setup to track remote branch master from origin.
[root@git gittest]# git branch product #创建一个product分支 [root@git gittest]# git branch #现在在master分支上 * master product [root@git gittest]#git checkout product #切换到product分支 Switched to branch‘product‘ [root@git gittest]# git branch #查看已经切换完成 master * product
[root@git gittest]# echo "pro file hahaha" > profile1.txt [root@git gittest]# git add profile1.txt [root@git gittest]# git commit -m "pro file test" #在product上提交了一个文件profile1 [product 76d88ad]pro file test 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0deletions(-) create mode 100644 profile1.txt [root@git gittest]# git status # On branchproduct nothing to commit(working directory clean) [root@git gittest]# ls file1.txt profile1.txt [root@git gittest]# git branch master #切换到master分支后发现profile1没有了 fatal: A branchnamed ‘master‘ already exists. [root@git gittest]# git checkout master Switched to branch‘master‘ [root@git gittest]# ls file1.txt
[root@git gittest]# git branch * master product [root@git gittest]# git merge product #合并product分支到master上 Updating51fcdf1..76d88ad Fast-forward profile1.txt | 1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0deletions(-) create mode 100644 profile1.txt [root@git gittest]# ls file1.txt profile1.txt
[root@git gittest]# git branch master * product [root@git gittest]# echo "product_write" >> file1.txt #在product上给file1新增一行并提交 [root@git gittest]# git add file1.txt [root@git gittest]# git commit -m "product test" [product 95d6308]product test 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0deletions(-) [root@git gittest]# git checkout master Switched to branch‘master‘ Your branch isahead of ‘origin/master‘ by 1 commit. [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file the test something [root@git gittest]# echo "master_ write" >> file1.txt #在master上也给file1新增一行 [root@git gittest]# git merge product Updating76d88ad..95d6308 error: Your localchanges to ‘file1.txt‘ would be overwritten by merge. Aborting. #这时候合并就会提示报错了,会让你先提交代码 Please, commityour changes or stash them before you can merge. [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file the test something master_ write [root@git gittest]# git add file1.txt [root@git gittest]# git commit -m "master test" #master提交 [master f801103]master test 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0deletions(-) [root@git gittest]# git merge product #提交完之后再合并发现有冲突了 Auto-mergingfile1.txt CONFLICT(content): Merge conflict in file1.txt Automatic mergefailed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. [root@git gittest]# vim file1.txt [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt #再查看file1,文件内容如下,product和master提交的内容都在,并且有特殊符号表名了有冲突的地方,这时候只能手动解决冲突 my first file the test something <<<<<<<HEAD master_ write ======= product_write >>>>>>>product [root@git gittest]# vim file1.txt [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file the test something master_ write product_write [root@git gittest]# git add file1.txt [root@git gittest]# git commit -m "master and product" [master bc03504]master and product [root@git gittest]# git status # On branch master # Your branch isahead of ‘origin/master‘ by 4 commits. # nothing to commit(working directory clean) [root@git gittest]# git checkout product Switched to branch‘product‘ [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt my first file the test something product_write [root@git gittest]# git merge master Updating95d6308..bc03504 Fast-forward file1.txt | 1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0deletions(-) [root@git gittest]# cat file1.txt #至此冲突解决 my first file the test something master_ write product_write
[root@git gittest]# git tag V1.0 [root@git gittest]# git tag V1.0 [root@git gittest]# git show V1.0 #查看标签状态 commitbc0350471b73941ca3f26aebb52c97bee94e141c Merge: f80110395d6308 Author: juchangfei<> Date: Sun Jul 12 10:42:56 2015 +0800 master and product diff --ccfile1.txt index2b84b37,db989a8..5108ce6 --- a/file1.txt +++ b/file1.txt @@@ -1,3 -1,3 +1,4@@@ my first file the test something +master_ write + product_write [root@git gittest]# git push origin V1.0 #把标签推送到github上 Counting objects:14, done. Delta compressionusing up to 4 threads. Compressingobjects: 100% (9/9), done. Writing objects:100% (12/12), 1.20 KiB, done. Total 12 (delta1), reused 0 (delta 0) Tossh:// * [new tag] V1.0 -> V1.0 [root@git gittest]# git checkout V1.0 #可以直接checkoutV1.0
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