At the opposite end of the spectrum, I actually wish more people understood the really core low-level kind of coding. Not big, complex stuff like the lockless name lookup, but simply good use of pointers-to-pointers etc. For example, I’ve seen too many people who delete a singly-linked list entry by keeping track of the “prev” entry, and then to delete the entry, doing something like
if (prev)
prev->next = entry->next;
list_head = entry->next;
and whenever I see code like that, I just go “This person doesn’t understand pointers”. And it’s sadly quite common.
People who understand pointers just use a “pointer to the entry pointer”, and initialize that with the address of the list_head. And then as they traverse the list, they can remove the entry without using any conditionals, by just doing a “*pp = entry->next”.
So there’s lots of pride in doing the small details right. It may not be big and important code, but I do like seeing code where people really thought about the details, and clearly also were thinking about the compiler being able to generate efficient code (rather than hoping that the compiler is so smart that it can make efficient code *despite* the state of the original source code).
其实大神说的这种方法的好处就是: 在删除节点时,不用区别该节点是否是链表的第一个节点,具体实现代码如下:
1 //定义最简单的链表结构 2 typedef struct node 3 { 4 int value; 5 struct node* next; 6 }Node; 7 8 Node** pp = &list_head; 9 Node* entry = list_head; 10 11 //假设要删除的节点值是9 12 while(entry->value != 9) 13 { 14 //每次迭代都将next变量的地址保存到pp中 15 //next是指针变量,故它的地址就是地址的地址了,即Node** 16 pp = &entry->next; 17 entry = entry->next; 18 } 19 20 //将前置节点的next值指向下一个节点 21 *pp = entry->next;
内存地址:0x1 0x2 0x4 0x8 list_head=0x2 node1(value:10, node2(value:9, node3(value:8) next变量的内存地址: 0x3 0x5 0x9 next:0x4) next:0x8 next:NULL 迭代过程: pp=0x1 entry=0x2 pp=0x3 entry=0x4 查找到要删除的节点: *pp=0x8 => 0x2 node1(value:10, 0x3 next:0x4 => 0x8)