Internally, a QuerySet can be constructed, filtered, sliced, and generally passed around without actually hitting the database. No database activity actually occurs until you do something to evaluate the queryset. 可以print queryset对象的query属性查看具体sql 1. list(Entry.Objects.all()) 2. for e in Entry.Objects.all():pass # 便利第一个元素的时候会触发数据库操作 3. Entry.Objects.all()[2:10] # 这种情况不会返回所有元素,sql中会加上limit的,分页可以利用这一点
F class from django.db.models import F Instances of F() act as a reference to a model field within a query. These references can then be used in query filters to compare the values of two different fields on the same model instance.
这就是说F是专门取对象中某列值的,例子: ‘QuerySet 判断一个model两个字段是否相等‘
Q class from django.db.models import Q Keyword argument queries – in filter(), etc. – are “AND”ed together. If you need to execute more complex queries (for example, queries with OR statements), you can use Q objects.
从文档把Q放在Complex lookups with Q objects,下就可以看出,Q是做复杂查询的
and --> XX.objects.filter(Q(f=1),Q(f=2)) # 肯定木有结果 f == 1 and f == 2 or --> XX.objects.filter(Q(f=1) | Q(f=2)) # f ==1 | f == 2 not --> XX.objects.filter(~Q(f=1),Q(f=2)) # f != 1 and f == 2
_tasks = tasks.exclude(group__isnull=True)
各种双下滑线对应的各种方法,参看文档 querysets field lookup
例如model 有两列 一列叫做user,一列叫做assigned_user,
from django.db.models import Q direct_comment = _tasks.filter(~Q(user=1))
Q还可以这样,user = 1或者2的元素
direct_comment = _tasks.filter(Q(user=1) | Q(user=2))
from django.db.models import F 例如model 有两列 一列叫做user,一列叫做assigned_user, 需求是取出user=assigned_user的记录 direct_comment = _tasks.filter(user=F(‘assigned_user‘))
def group_by(query_set, group_by): ‘‘‘util:django 获取分类列表‘‘‘ assert isinstance(query_set, QuerySet) django_groups = query_set.values(group_by).annotate(Count(group_by)) groups = [] for dict_ in django_groups: groups.append(dict_.get(group_by)) return groups 例如: assign_to = _tasks.exclude(user=F(‘assigned_user‘)) groups = group_by(assign_to, ‘group‘) 取出的是一个列表groups = [1L, 3L, 4L]