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一. 摘要


二. 本文提纲

· 1.摘要

· 2.本文提纲

· 3.概念回顾

· 4.云计算书籍推荐

· 5.云计算视频推荐

· 6.云计算社区汇总

· 7.资源下载

三. 概念回顾


  回顾最近几年,云计算无疑已经成为一个十分热门的话题。云计算厂商也可谓是星罗棋布,不光是国外的亚马逊、谷歌、IBM、微软、甲骨文、思科、惠普、Salesforce、VMware等大型企业,还包括国内的阿里巴巴、中移动、浪潮企业等也加入到了这个竞技场。所以从微软的Azure平台到Google App Engine、Amazon Web Service 、Salesforce的Force.com云计算平台到IBM“蓝云”解决方案、Oracle Enterprise Manager再到VMware vSphere,无需置疑,由于缩减了相关软硬件的购买和管理,从而可以控制成本支出,降低复杂性。随着云计算的不断发展,越来越多的厂商及其企业客户开始在云中设计、开发、测试、部署或托管应用。









  • 软件即服务(SaaS——Software as a Service)一种软件分配模式,使应用程序由供应商或服务供应商托管起来,并通过网络提供给用户。
  • 平台即服务(PaaS——Platform as a Service)一种平台分配模式,通过网络提供操作系统和相关服务,这样客户就无需下载或安装。
  • 基础设施即服务(IaaS——Infrastructure as a Service)一种基础设施分配模式,把这些基础设施通过外包的形式提供出来,其中包括存储、硬件设备、服务器和网络组件等。



  • 公有云:是指为其他云厂商提供服务的云服务,它所有的服务是供他人使用,而不是自己用。比如微软的Windows Azure Platform、Google App Engine、亚马逊云服务、Salesforce等。对于使用者而言,公共云的最大优点是,其所应用的程序、服务及相关数据都存放在公共云的提供者处,自己无需做相应的投资和建设。缺点就是,由于数据不存储在自己的数据中心,其安全性存在一定风险。同时,公共云的可用性不受使用者控制,这方面也存在一定的不确定性。
  • 私有云:是指企业自身构建并使用的云,它所有的服务不是供其他企业使用,而是供本企业及其下属分支企业使用。私有云的部署比较适合于有众多分支机构的大型企业或政府部门。随着这些大型企业数据中心的集中化,私有云将会成为他们部署IT系统的主流模式。相对于公共云,私有云部署在企业自身内部,因此其数据安全性、系统可用性都可由自己控制。但其缺点是投资较大,尤其是一次性的建设投资较大。
  • 混合云:是指供企业本身和客户共同使用的云,它所提供的服务既可以供企业本身使用,也可以供别人使用。所以相对公有云和私有云而言,混合云的部署方式对云提供者的要求较高。混合云是除了公有云和私有云之外的另一种解决方案。


  关于云计算,我们前面提到了很多云计算公司和产品,其实在实际项目中只需要其中一种就行,在实战第一个云程序中介绍了Windows Azure Platform,这里我们就拿VMware的vSphere举例。VMware vSphere是一款云计算操作系统,它将数据中心转变成极为简化的云计算基础架构,可以灵活快速且高效的搭建企业所需要的云应用程序架构及云数据处理中心。

VMware vSphere包括四个版本:

VMware vSphere Standard 提供基本的应用程序整合,在削减硬件成本的基础上也提高了部署的效率;

VMware vSphere Advanced 提供应用程序更高的可用性和稳定性;

VMware vSphere Enterprise 企业版最大的优点就是比较稳定和安全,能最大限度减少宕机并保护数据,从而实现资源管理的自动化;

VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus 能将IT基础架构转变成灵活、可伸缩性的服务,这样企业在做架构的时候有很大的扩展和灵活性。

VMware vSphere具体结构图如下:




VMware VCenter套件:使云计算的使用形式更加灵活,可以使用VMware VCenter套件构建自己的云计算架构以及数据中心。


基础架构服务层次: 这些组件可全面虚拟化服务器、存储设备和网络资源,聚合这些资源,并基于业务优先级将资源准确地按需分配给应用程序。



  VMware的vSphere和其他云计算产品一样(云计算产品的共性),可以帮助企业快速构建云计算架构,而且针对公有云计算和私有云计算,都有相应的解决方案。 同时VMware在虚拟化技术方面有着比较成熟的解决方案和处理经验,所以在这个层次上,它比其他云计算产品有着不可替代的优势。  

四. 云计算书籍推荐

Cloud Computing相关书籍


Windows Azure技术相关书籍:


五. 云计算视频推荐




How Do I

MSDN Video: How Do I: Azure Monitoring and Diagnostics

MSDN Video: How Do I: Calculate the cost of Azure application usage?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Calculate the cost of Azure database usage?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Create And Use an Azure Service Bus Message Buffer?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Debug a Windows Azure Application?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Deploy my first Azure application: Step-by-Step?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Deploying Windows Azure Applications

MSDN Video: How Do I: Dive Into Azure Part 1, Migration

MSDN Video: How Do I: Get Started With the Access Control Services?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Get Started With the Azure Service Bus?

MSDN Video: How Do I: How to Use Azure Storage?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Integrate An Existing Application With SQL Azure? Part 1

MSDN Video: How Do I: Integrate an Existing Application with SQL Azure? Part 2

MSDN Video: How Do I: Introducing the Microsoft Sync Framework Powerpack for SQL Azure?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Introducing the Windows Azure Content Delivery Network?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Manage SQL Azure Firewall rules?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Migrate my Existing ASP.NET Application to Windows Azure?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Monitor and Trace Applications in Windows Azure?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Monitor Azure applications by persisting diagnostics data to Azure Storage?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Multicast with the .NET Service Bus

MSDN Video: How Do I: Scaling Down Azure Roles

MSDN Video: How Do I: Understanding the ServiceConfiguration File

MSDN Video: How Do I: Use the RoleManager Class to Log SessionIDs in SQL Azure?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Use Windows Azure Queues?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Use Windows Azure Storage with my Application?

MSDN Video: How Do I: Using roles in Windows Azure?

MSDN Video: How Do I: What is Azure?

MSDN Webcast

MSDN Webcast: Windows Azure Boot Camp: Worker Roles (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: Windows Azure Boot Camp: Windows Azure and Web Roles (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: Windows Azure Boot Camp: Introduction to Cloud Computing and Windows Azure (Level 100)

MSDN Webcast: Windows Azure AppFabric, Soup to Nuts (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: Developing for Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: Creating Cross-Firewall Connections with Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: Integrating Windows Azure AppFabric Access Control with Active Directory (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: Securing Web Resources Using Windows Azure AppFabric Access Control (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: Introduction to Windows Azure AppFabric (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: Security Talk: Using Windows Azure Storage Securely (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: SharePoint 2010 and Windows Azure (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: Office Business Applications Evolved (Level 300)

MSDN Webcast: geekSpeak: Windows Azure AppFabric (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: Simulcast Event: Take Your Applications Sky High with Cloud Computing and the Windows Azure Platform (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: geekSpeak: SQL Azure Under the Hood with Chris Rolon (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: geekSpeak: Rich Internet Applications with Windows Azure (Level 200)

MSDN Webcast: Communication Patterns Supported by Windows Azure Platform AppFabric (Level 200)

Case Study

Microsoft Video: Microsoft Online Services Arctic IT Case Study

Microsoft Video: Microsoft Online Services Hospital Amstelland Case Study

Microsoft Video: Microsoft Online Services PointBridge/Recycled Energy Development Case Study

Microsoft Video: Microsoft Online Services Virteva Case Study


MSDN Video: ARCast.TV Special: Michael Stiefel on Software as a Service in the Cloud

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Clemens Vasters on Architecture Implications of the Internet Service Bus

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Cloud Computing is for Small Companies Too

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: CxO Level Discussion about Cloud Computing

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Dennis McCarthy on Platform as a Service (PaaS)

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Juval Lowy on The EnergyNet, the Next Software Boom

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Simon Guest on Patterns for Moving to the Cloud

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: The Cloud Part 1, What it Means to the User

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: The Cloud Part 2, What is Microsoft Doing

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Vishwas Lele, CTO of Applied Information Sciences, on Cloud Architecture Patterns

MSDN Video: ARCast.TV: Windows Azure, A Conversation with David Chappell


MSDN Video: deCast: Building an Azure App (Part 3 of 3): Hosting Web Services and Silverlight

MSDN Video: deCast: Understanding The Azure Table Storage API


MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure Overview for Developers

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure Overview for the Technical Decision Maker

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure Programmability

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure RDBMS Support

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure Security Model

MSDN Video: Microsoft SQL Azure Tooling

Cloud Migration

MSDN Video: msdev Cloud Migration (Episode 1): Planning

MSDN Video: msdev Cloud Migration (Episode 2): Content

MSDN Video: msdev Cloud Migration (Episode 3): Web Sites

MSDN Video: msdev Cloud Migration (Episode 4): Services

MSDN Video: msdev Cloud Migration (Episode 5): Looking Back

MSDN Video: msdev Cloud Migration: Episode 1: Planning

MSDN Video: Real World Azure

MSDN Video: Security in Provisioning and Billing Solutions for Windows Azure Platform


MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: All Data/All Day Dive into .NET Data Access, A Closer Look at LINQ to SQL

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: All Data/All Day Dive into .NET Data Access, A Deeper Look at ADO.NET Entity Framework

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: All Data/All Day Dive into .NET Data Access, Azure Data Storage Options

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: All Data/All Day Dive into .NET Data Access, Getting Started with ADO.NET Entity Framework

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: All Data/All Day Dive into .NET Data Access, Intro to WCF Data Services and OData

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: All Data/All Day Dive into .NET Data Access, Introduction to LINQ

Get Cloud Ready With Windows Azure

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 1 of 7): Event Kickoff

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 2 of 7): Platform Overview for Developers

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 3 of 7): Windows Azure Storage

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 4 of 7): SQL Azure

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 5 of 7): Building Applications for the Cloud

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 6 of 7): Migrating Applications to the Cloud

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Get Cloud Ready with Windows Azure (Part 7 of 7): Panel and Close

Take Your Applications Sky High with Cloud Computing & the Windows Azure Platform

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Take Your Applications Sky High with Cloud Computing & the Windows Azure Platform (Part 1 of 3): Overview

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Take Your Applications Sky High with Cloud Computing and the Windows Azure Platform (Part 2 of 3): Storage Options

MSDN Video: Simulcast Event: Take Your Applications Sky High with Cloud Computing and the Windows Azure Platform (Part 3 of 3): Going Live with your Solution

Software plus Services

MSDN Video: Software plus Services (Part 1 of 6): Introduction

MSDN Video: Software plus Services (Part 2 of 6): Benefits

MSDN Video: Software plus Services (Part 3 of 6): By Example

MSDN Video: Software plus Services (Part 4 of 6): For Architects

MSDN Video: Software plus Services (Part 5 of 6): For Developers

MSDN Video: Software plus Services (Part 6 of 6): In Practice

TechEd 2009

MSDN Video: TechEd 2009 TechTalk: Provisioning an SDS Database in the Azure Developer Portal

MSDN Video: TechEd 2009 TechTalk: The New Face of Microsoft SQL Data Services

The Partner Story for Windows Azure

MSDN Video: The Partner Story for Windows Azure (Part 1 of 2)

MSDN Video: The Partner Story for Windows Azure (Part 2 of 2)


Why Did I

MSDN Video: Why Did I?" Series: Building the CorpSystem Sales Tax Office Application using Windows Azure

MSDN Video: Why Did I?" Series: How QuarkPromote.com transitioned to the Cloud

MSDN Video: Why Did I?" Series: Why Kelly Blue Book migrated to Cloud Computing

MSDN Video: Why Did I?" Series: Windows Azure: Total Enforcement, Records Management System

Why Windows Azure

MSDN Video: Why Windows Azure (Part 1 of 6): What Is Windows Azure and Why Is It In the Cloud?

MSDN Video: Why Windows Azure (Part 2 of 6): The Windows Azure Development Experience

MSDN Video: Why Windows Azure (Part 3 of 6): Moving Existing Applications to Windows Azure

MSDN Video: Why Windows Azure (Part 4 of 6): The Windows Azure TCO and ROI Calculator

MSDN Video: Why Windows Azure (Part 5 of 6): Front Runner

MSDN Video: Why Windows Azure (Part 6 of 6): Sign Up for Windows Azure

Windows Azure Firestarter

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Firestarter (Part 1 of 3): Getting Your Head into the Cloud

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Firestarter (Part 2 of 3): Migrating Applications to Windows Azure

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Firestarter (Part 3 of 3): Creating Applications for Windows Azure

Windows Azure Platform

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform Security Essentials: Module 1 - Security Architecture

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform Security Essentials: Module 2 – Identity Access Management

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform Security Essentials: Module 3 – Storage Access

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform Security Essentials: Module 4 – Secure Development

Windows Azure Overview

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Fundamentals

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Overview

MSDN Video: Visual Studio 2010 RTM: Windows Azure and the .NET Framework

MSDN Video: What‘s New in Azure

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform: AppFabric Fundamentals

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform: AppFabric Overview

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform: Introducing the Service Bus

MSDN Video: Windows Azure Platform: The Access Control Service





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