;;------------------=={ Get Files Dialog }==------------------;;
;; ;;
;; An analog of the ‘getfiled‘ function for multiple files. ;;
;; Arguments: ;;
;; msg - Dialog box label; ‘Select Files‘ if nil or "". ;;
;; def - Default directory; dwgprefix if nil or "". ;;
;; ext - File extension filter (e.g. "dwg;lsp"); "*" if nil ;;
;; Returns: List of selected files, else nil ;;
;; Version 1.3 - 25-07-2013 ;;
(defun LM:getfiles ( msg def ext /*error* dch dcl des dir dirdata lst rtn )
(defun*error*( msg )
(if(= ‘file (type des))
(close des)
(if(and(= ‘int (type dch))(<0 dch))
(unload_dialog dch)
(if(and(= ‘str (type dcl))(findfile dcl))
(vl-file-delete dcl)
(if(and msg (not(wcmatch(strcase msg t)"*break,*cancel*,*exit*")))
(princ(strcat"\nError: " msg))
(setq dcl (vl-filename-mktempnilnil".dcl"))
(setq des (open dcl "w"))
(foreach x
"lst : list_box"
" width = 40.0;"
" height = 20.0;"
" fixed_width = true;"
" fixed_height = true;"
" alignment = centered;"
" multiple_select = true;"
"but : button"
" width = 20.0;"
" height = 1.8;"
" fixed_width = true;"
" fixed_height = true;"
" alignment = centered;"
"getfiles : dialog"
" key = \"title\"; spacer;"
" : row"
" {"
" alignment = centered;"
" : edit_box { key = \"dir\"; label = \"Folder:\"; }"
" : button"
" {"
" key = \"brw\";"
" label = \"Browse\";"
" fixed_width = true;"
" }"
" }"
" spacer;"
" : row"
" {"
" : column"
" {"
" : lst { key = \"box1\"; }"
" : but { key = \"add\" ; label = \"Add Files\"; }"
" }"
" : column {"
" : lst { key = \"box2\"; }"
" : but { key = \"del\" ; label = \"Remove Files\"; }"
" }"
" }"
" spacer; ok_cancel;"
(write-line x des)
(setq des (close des))
(<0(setq dch (load_dialog dcl)))
(new_dialog"getfiles" dch)
(setq ext (if ext (LM:getfiles:str->lst (strcase ext)";") ‘("*")))
(set_tile"title"(if(member msg ‘(nil""))"Select Files" msg))
(setq dir
(if(or(member def ‘(nil""))(not(vl-file-directory-p(LM:getfiles:fixdir def))))
(getvar ‘dwgprefix)
(setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext nil))
‘(if(setq tmp (LM:getfiles:browseforfolder ""nil512))
(setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile"dir"(setq dir tmp)) ext rtn)
rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn)
(setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile"dir"(setq dir (LM:getfiles:fixdir $value))) ext rtn)
rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn)
(lambda(/ itm tmp )
(if(setq itm (mapcar ‘(lambda( n )(nth n lst))(read(strcat"("$value")"))))
( (equal ‘("..") itm)
(setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile"dir"(setq dir (LM:getfiles:updir dir))) ext rtn)
rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn)
( (and
(not(vl-filename-extension(car itm)))
(vl-file-directory-p(setq tmp (LM:getfiles:checkredirect (strcat dir "\\"(car itm)))))
(setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile"dir"(setq dir tmp)) ext rtn)
rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn)
( (setq rtn (LM:getfiles:sort (append rtn (mapcar ‘(lambda( x )(strcat dir "\\" x)) itm)))
rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn)
lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn)
(if(vl-some ‘vl-filename-extension itm)
(lambda(/ itm )
(if(setq itm (mapcar ‘(lambda( n )(nth n rtn))(read(strcat"("$value")"))))
(setq rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir (vl-remove(car itm) rtn))
lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn)
(lambda(/ itm )
(if(setq itm
(vl-remove-if-not ‘vl-filename-extension
(mapcar ‘(lambda( n )(nth n lst))(read(strcat"("(get_tile"box1")")")))
(setq rtn (LM:getfiles:sort (append rtn (mapcar ‘(lambda( x )(strcat dir "\\" x)) itm)))
rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn)
lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn)
(lambda(/ itm )
(if(setq itm (read(strcat"("(get_tile"box2")")")))
(setq rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir (LM:getfiles:removeitems itm rtn))
lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn)
(setq rtn nil)
(defun LM:getfiles:listbox ( key lst )
(start_list key)
(foreach x lst (add_list x))
(defun LM:getfiles:listfiles ( dir ext lst )
(vl-remove-if ‘(lambda( x )(member(strcat dir "\\" x) lst))
( (cdr(assoc dir dirdata)))
( (cdar
(setq dirdata
(cons dir
(LM:getfiles:sortlist (vl-remove"."(vl-directory-files dir nil-1)))
(if(member ext ‘(("")("*")))
(vl-directory-files dir nil1)
(lambda( x / e )
(setq e (vl-filename-extension x))
(setq e (strcase(substr e 2)))
(vl-some ‘(lambda( w )(wcmatch e w)) ext)
(vl-directory-files dir nil1)
(defun LM:getfiles:checkredirect ( dir / itm pos )
( (vl-directory-files dir) dir)
( (and
(= (strcase(getenv"UserProfile"))
(strcase(substr dir 1(setq pos (vl-string-position92 dir nilt))))
(setq itm
(assoc(substr(strcase dir t)(+ pos 2))
("my documents" . "Documents")
("my pictures" . "Pictures")
("my videos" . "Videos")
("my music" . "Music")
(vl-file-directory-p(setq itm (strcat(substr dir 1 pos)"\\" itm)))
( dir )
(defun LM:getfiles:sort ( lst )
(apply ‘append
(mapcar ‘LM:getfiles:sortlist
(LM:getfiles:groupbyfunction lst
(lambda( a b / x y )
(setq x (vl-filename-extension a))
(setq y (vl-filename-extension b))
(=(strcase x)(strcase y))
(lambda( a b / x y )
(setq x (vl-filename-extension(car a)))
(setq y (vl-filename-extension(car b)))
(<(strcase x)(strcase y))
(defun LM:getfiles:sortlist ( lst )
(mapcar(function(lambda( n )(nth n lst)))
(vl-sort-i(mapcar ‘LM:getfiles:splitstring lst)
(lambda( a b / x y )
(setq x (car a))
(setq y (car b))
(= x y)
(setq a (cdr a)
b (cdr b)
( (null x) b)
( (null y)nil)
( (and(numberp x)(numberp y))(< x y))
( (="." x))
( (numberp x))
( (numberp y)nil)
( (< x y))
(defun LM:getfiles:groupbyfunction ( lst fun / tmp1 tmp2 x1 )
(if(setq x1 (car lst))
(foreach x2 (cdr lst)
(if(fun x1 x2)
(setq tmp1 (cons x2 tmp1))
(setq tmp2 (cons x2 tmp2))
(cons(cons x1 (reverse tmp1))(LM:getfiles:groupbyfunction (reverse tmp2) fun))
(defun LM:getfiles:splitstring ( str )
(lambda( l )
(apply ‘append
(lambda( a b c )
( (=92 b)
(list323492 b 3432)
( (or(<47 b 58)
(and(=45 b)(<47 c 58)(not(<47 a 58)))
(and(=46 b)(<47 a 58)(<47 c 58))
(list b)
( (list3234 b 3432))
(consnil l) l (append(cdr l) ‘(()))
(vl-string->list(strcase str))
(defun LM:getfiles:browseforfolder ( msg dir flg / err fld pth shl slf )
(setq err
(lambda(/ app hwd )
(if(setq app (vlax-get-acad-object)
shl (vla-getinterfaceobject app "shell.application")
hwd (vl-catch-all-apply ‘vla-get-hwnd(list app))
fld (vlax-invoke-method shl ‘browseforfolder (if(vl-catch-all-error-p hwd)0 hwd) msg flg dir)
(setq slf (vlax-get-property fld ‘self)
pth (LM:getfiles:fixdir (vlax-get-property slf ‘path))
(if slf (vlax-release-object slf))
(if fld (vlax-release-object fld))
(if shl (vlax-release-object shl))
(if(vl-catch-all-error-p err)
(prompt(vl-catch-all-error-message err))
(defun LM:getfiles:full->relative ( dir path / p q )
(setq dir (vl-string-right-trim"\\" dir))
( (and
(setq p (vl-string-position58 dir))
(setq q (vl-string-position58 path))
(/=(strcase(substr dir 1 p))(strcase(substr path 1 q)))
( (and
(setq p (vl-string-position92 dir))
(setq q (vl-string-position92 path))
(=(strcase(substr dir 1 p))(strcase(substr path 1 q)))
(LM:getfiles:full->relative (substr dir (+2 p))(substr path (+2 q)))
( (and
(setq q (vl-string-position92 path))
(=(strcase dir)(strcase(substr path 1 q)))
(strcat".\\"(substr path (+2 q)))
( (="" dir)
( (setq p (vl-string-position92 dir))
(LM:getfiles:full->relative (substr dir (+2 p))(strcat"..\\" path))
( (LM:getfiles:full->relative ""(strcat"..\\" path)))
(defun LM:getfiles:str->lst ( str del / pos )
(if(setq pos (vl-string-search del str))
(cons(substr str 1 pos)(LM:getfiles:str->lst (substr str (+ pos 1(strlen del))) del))
(list str)
(defun LM:getfiles:updatefilelist ( dir ext lst )
(LM:getfiles:listbox "box1"(LM:getfiles:listfiles dir ext lst))
(defun LM:getfiles:updateselected ( dir lst )
(LM:getfiles:listbox "box2"(mapcar ‘(lambda( x )(LM:getfiles:full->relative dir x)) lst))
(defun LM:getfiles:updir ( dir )
(substr dir 1(vl-string-position92 dir nilt))
(defun LM:getfiles:fixdir ( dir )
(vl-string-right-trim"\\"(vl-string-translate"/""\\" dir))
(defun LM:getfiles:removeitems ( itm lst / idx )
(setq idx -1)
(vl-remove-if ‘(lambda( x )(member(setq idx (1+ idx)) itm)) lst)