标签:matlab读取fig fig文件 .fig文件读取数据 从fig恢复数据
h1 = openfig('1.fig','reuse'); % open figure D1=get(gca,'Children'); %get the handle of the line object XData1=get(D1,'XData'); %get the x data YData1=get(D1,'YData'); %get the y data Data1=[XData1' YData1']; %join the x and y data on one array nx2 h2 = openfig('2.fig','reuse'); % open figure D2=get(gca,'Children'); %get the handle of the line object XData2=get(D2,'XData'); %get the x data YData2=get(D2,'YData'); %get the y data Data2=[XData2' YData2']; %join the x and y data on one array nx2 figure; plot( XData1{1}, YData1{3}, 'r-o', XData1{1}, YData1{2}, 'r--^', XData1{1}, YData1{1},'r-d', XData1{1}, YData2{3}, 'b-o', XData1{1}, YData2{2}, 'b--^', XData1{1}, YData2{1},'b-d','linewidth',1.5,'markersize',8); legend('a','b','c','d','e','f'); xlabel('Number','fontsize',12); ylabel('overhead','fontsize',12); title('number and overhead')
标签:matlab读取fig fig文件 .fig文件读取数据 从fig恢复数据