// define head function #ifndef PS_ALGORITHM_H_INCLUDED #define PS_ALGORITHM_H_INCLUDED #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "cxmat.hpp" #include "cxcore.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace cv; void Show_Image(Mat&, const string &); #endif // PS_ALGORITHM_H_INCLUDED /* This program will transform the color image to Black-whithe image. */ #include "PS_Algorithm.h" #include <time.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(void) { string Img_name("9.jpg"); Mat Img_in; Img_in=imread(Img_name); Show_Image(Img_in, Img_name); Mat Img_out(Img_in.size(), CV_32FC3); Img_in.convertTo(Img_out, CV_32FC3); Mat R(Img_in.size(),CV_32FC1); Mat G(Img_in.size(),CV_32FC1); Mat B(Img_in.size(),CV_32FC1); Mat I(Img_in.size(),CV_32FC1); Mat BW_out(Img_in.size(), CV_32FC1); Mat rgb[]={B, G, R}; cv::split(Img_out, rgb); I=B+G+R; float maxVal, minVal, midVal; float color_ratio[6]={0.4,0.6,0.4,0.6,0.2,0.8}; float r_max_mid, r_max; int Ind; for(int i=0; i<I.rows; i++) { for(int j=0; j<I.cols; j++) { maxVal=std::max(R.at<float>(i,j), std::max(G.at<float>(i,j), B.at<float>(i,j))); minVal=std::min(R.at<float>(i,j), std::min(G.at<float>(i,j), B.at<float>(i,j))); midVal=I.at<float>(i,j)-maxVal-minVal; if(minVal==R.at<float>(i,j)) { Ind=0; } else if(minVal==G.at<float>(i,j)) { Ind=2; } else { Ind=4; } r_max_mid=color_ratio[(Ind+3)%6+1]; if(maxVal==R.at<float>(i,j)) { Ind=1; } else if(maxVal==G.at<float>(i,j)) { Ind=3; } else { Ind=5; } r_max=color_ratio[Ind]; BW_out.at<float>(i,j)=(maxVal-midVal)*r_max+(midVal-minVal) *r_max_mid+minVal; } } BW_out=BW_out/255; Show_Image(BW_out, "out"); imwrite("out.jpg", BW_out*255); waitKey(); cout<<"All is well."<<endl; } // define the show image #include "PS_Algorithm.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; using namespace cv; void Show_Image(Mat& Image, const string& str) { namedWindow(str.c_str(),CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); imshow(str.c_str(), Image); }