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Openssl oscp命令

时间:2015-07-25 11:57:07      阅读:126      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]






openssl ocsp [-out file] [-issuer file] [-cert file] [-serial num] [-signer file] [-signkey file ] 
[-sign_other file ] [-no_certs] [-req_text] [-resp_text] [-text] [-reqout file] [-respout file] 
[-reqin file] [-respin file] [-nonce] [-no_nonce] [-url URL] [-host host:n] [-path] [-CApath dir] 
[-CAfile file] [-VAfile file] [-validity_period n] [-status_age n] [-noverify] [-verify_other file] 
[-trust_other] [-no_intern] [-no_signature_verify] [-no_cert_verify] [-no_chain] [-no_cert_checks] 
[-port num] [-index file] [-CA file] [-rsigner file] [-rkey file] [-rother file] [-resp_no_certs] [-nmin n] 
[-ndays n] [-resp_key_id] [-nrequest n]


-out file          output filename
-issuer file       issuer certificate
-cert file         certificate to check
-serial n          serial number to check
-signer file       certificate to sign OCSP request with
-signkey file      private key to sign OCSP request with
-sign_other file   additional certificates to include in signed request
-no_certs          dont include any certificates in signed request
-req_text          print text form of request
-resp_text         print text form of response
-text              print text form of request and response
-reqout file       write DER encoded OCSP request to "file"
-respout file      write DER encoded OCSP reponse to "file"
-reqin file        read DER encoded OCSP request from "file"
-respin file       read DER encoded OCSP reponse from "file"
-nonce             add OCSP nonce to request
-no_nonce          dont add OCSP nonce to request
-url URL           OCSP responder URL
-host host:n       send OCSP request to host on port n
-path              path to use in OCSP request
-CApath dir        trusted certificates directory
-CAfile file       trusted certificates file
-trusted_first     use trusted certificates first when building the trust chain
-VAfile file       validator certificates file
-validity_period n maximum validity discrepancy in seconds
-status_age n      maximum status age in seconds
-noverify          dont verify response at all
-verify_other file additional certificates to search for signer
-trust_other       dont verify additional certificates
-no_intern         dont search certificates contained in response for signer
-no_signature_verify dont check signature on response
-no_cert_verify    dont check signing certificate
-no_chain          dont chain verify response
-no_cert_checks    dont do additional checks on signing certificate
-port num         port to run responder on
-index file     certificate status index file
-CA file         CA certificate
-rsigner file     responder certificate to sign responses with
-rkey file     responder key to sign responses with
-rother file     other certificates to include in response
-resp_no_certs     dont include any certificates in response
-nmin n          number of minutes before next update
-ndays n          number of days before next update
-resp_key_id       identify reponse by signing certificate key ID
-nrequest n        number of requests to accept (default unlimited)
-<dgst alg>     use specified digest in the request




openssl ocsp -issuer issuer.pem -cert c1.pem -cert c2.pem -reqout req.der


Openssl oscp命令



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