标签:actionscript doc88_cracker javascript doc88下载破解
前一节《EBT 道客巴巴的加密与破解 序章》粗略讲了一些关系DOC88文档下载的一些枝节,主要是通过Chrome等工具来开启VIP模式,打开道客巴巴文档内容复制和打印功能,这一篇开始将进行更深入的研究。
还是以《Soilless Culture- Theory and Practice》为例:http://www.doc88.com/p-362142082976.html
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://assets.doc88.com/assets/swf/pv.swf?v=1.7" width="100%" height="100%" id="pageflash_0" style="visibility: visible;"> <param name="hasPriority" value="true"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="swliveconnect" value="true"> <param name="FlashVars" value="hn=1&ph=http://ebt246.doc88.com/getebt-0rUXzqMX2LkT0qEd1qEd0jPR0jP50qEd0jPR0jP50qEX2q3V0jBApIlVpTsTsqs=.ebt&pk=http://ebt246.doc88.com/getebt-0rUR0Ln50TMQzq3R0jvS1SUV1SUS0LMS0LkR1SUS0LMS0LkR1TP50jsS1l9MGotI1q1p1v==.ebt&ptm=GotoPage&hlm=HeaderLoaded&fn=0&e404m=ViewerError&st=GetSURL&v=0&sp=false"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> </object>
PH EBT:http://ebt246.doc88.com/getebt-0rUXzqMX2LkT0qEd1qEd0jPR0jP50qEd0jPR0jP50qEX2q3V0jBApIlVpTsTsqs=.ebt
接下来就是要破解它们,让它们变成可以看的书封。在stackoverflow.com上我找到了一段代码,省了我不少时间,这里贴上修改后的代码,使用FlashDevelop编译后可以得到一个DOC88 EBT破解工具,运行后,会弹出文件选择框,就选择前面下载的两个ebt文件,DOC88破解工具会将生成最后直接可用的SWF页面内容:
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.net.FileFilter; import flash.net.FileReference; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.utils.*; /** * ... * @author Ace * Modify by Jimbowhy * * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12121062/how-to-decompress-a-lzma-compressed-file-using-bytearray-method-in-as3 * This is the code that I'am using to compress/decompress files. * * My problem : This method doesn't decompress LZMA compressed files :( * Can anyone please tell me how to restructure the above code to achieve LZMA decompression * and whether the above compression code is good enough for LZMA-compression?If not, * please do give an example of it. * * EDIT : After long hours of searching,I got this but I can't quite understand the * example code in it :( Some help,anyone? * https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/exception-thrown-you-decompress-lzma-compressed.html */ public class Compressor extends Sprite { private var ref:FileReference; private var txf:TextField; private var buffer:ByteArray; private var glue:String = ""; private var dos:String = "Nothing"; private var MAGIC_ZWS:String = "ZWS"; private var MAGIC_CWS:String = "CWS"; private var MAGIC_FWS:String = "FWS"; private var MAGIC_EBT:String = "YBD"; private var MAGIC_EBK:String = "EBT_PK"; private var MAKEUP:Boolean = true; public function Compressor() { txf = new TextField(); txf.text = "SWF Compressor and Decompressor"; txf.width = txf.textWidth + 200; txf.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - txf.width / 2; txf.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 - txf.height / 2; parent.addChild(txf); open(); } private function open():void { ref = new FileReference(); ref.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, load); ref.browse([new FileFilter("SWF Files", "*.swf;*.ebt")]); } private function load(e:Event):void { ref.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processSWF); ref.load(); } private function processSWF(e:Event):void { var swf:ByteArray; dos = ref.data.readMultiByte(3, "us-ascii"); switch(dos) { case MAGIC_CWS: swf = decompress(ref.data); break; case MAGIC_ZWS: txf.text = "ZWS detected, donothing. SWF 13 and later use LZMA."; break; case MAGIC_FWS: swf = compress(ref.data); break; case MAGIC_EBT: swf = decompressEBT_PH(ref.data); break; default: //throw Error("Not SWF..."); dos = MAGIC_EBK; swf = decompressEBT_PK(ref.data); // ebt is a compress file and light encrypt break; } if ( swf && glue && MAKEUP) { txf.text = "Need the 2nd part of ebt to makeup a page."; open(); // deal the 2nd part of ebt. MAKEUP = false }else if (swf && glue && dos!=glue) { var b:Boolean = glue == MAGIC_EBT; swf = makeup(b?buffer:swf, b?swf:buffer); glue = null; } if( (swf && !glue) || dos==glue ){ txf.text = dos + " Dectected."; new FileReference().save(swf); } } private function makeup(ebt_ph:ByteArray, ebt_pk:ByteArray):ByteArray { var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); ebt_ph.position = 0; ebt_pk.position = 0; buff.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; buff.writeBytes(ebt_ph, 0, ebt_ph.bytesAvailable); buff.writeBytes(ebt_pk, 0, ebt_pk.bytesAvailable); buff.writeByte(64); // make 4 bytes ending buff.writeByte(0); buff.writeByte(0); buff.writeByte(0); buff.position = 4; buff.writeUnsignedInt(buff.length); // write file size back to header buff.position = 0; return buff; } private function decompressEBT_PH(data:ByteArray):ByteArray { data.position = 40; // 40 bytes bypass var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); buff.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; var ebt:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); ebt.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; //ebt.writeBytes(data, 0, data.bytesAvailable); // different below data.readBytes(ebt, 0, data.bytesAvailable); try { ebt.uncompress(); buff.writeBytes(ebt, 0, ebt.length); buff.position = 4; buff.writeUnsignedInt(buff.length); }catch (e:Error) { txf.text = e.message + " at line:" + /\\.+\.as:([0-9]+)]/.exec(e.getStackTrace())[1]; return null; } if (!buffer) { buffer = buff; glue = MAGIC_EBT; } return buff; } private function decompressEBT_PK(data:ByteArray):ByteArray { data.position = 32; // 32bytes bypass in pk ebt var ebt:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); ebt.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; buff.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; data.readBytes(buff, 0, data.bytesAvailable); try { buff.uncompress(); ebt.writeMultiByte(MAGIC_FWS, "ANSI"); //ebt.position = 4; //ebt.writeUnsignedInt(buff.length+8); ebt.writeBytes(buff); } catch (e:Error) { txf.text = e.message + " at line:" + /\\.+\.as:([0-9]+)]/.exec(e.getStackTrace())[1]; return null; } if (!buffer) { buffer = buff; glue = MAGIC_EBK; } return ebt; } private function compress(data:ByteArray):ByteArray { var header:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var decompressed:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var compressed:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); header.writeBytes(data, 3, 5); //read the header, excluding the signature decompressed.writeBytes(data, 8); //read the rest decompressed.compress(); compressed.writeMultiByte("CWS", "us-ascii"); //mark as compressed compressed.writeBytes(header); compressed.writeBytes(decompressed); return compressed; } private function decompress(data:ByteArray):ByteArray { var header:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var compressed:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var decompressed:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); header.writeBytes(data, 3, 5); //read the uncompressed header, excluding the signature compressed.writeBytes(data, 8); //read the rest, compressed compressed.uncompress(); decompressed.writeMultiByte("FWS", "us-ascii"); //mark as uncompressed decompressed.writeBytes(header); //write the header back decompressed.writeBytes(compressed); //write the now uncompressed content return decompressed; } } }
标签:actionscript doc88_cracker javascript doc88下载破解