Taligntopath | Align to path tag. |
Taligntospline | Align to spline tag. |
Tanchor_EX | Deprecated (Anchor tag). |
Tbakeparticle | Bake particle data tag. |
Tbaketexture | Bake texture. |
Tbase | Base tag. (BaseTag) |
Tclaudebonet_EX | Deprecated (Claude bonet tag). |
Tcoffeeexpression | C.O.F.F.E.E. expression tag. |
Tcompositing | Compositing/render tag. |
Tcorner | Corner tag. (Phong break.) |
Tdisplay | Display tag. |
Tedgeselection | Edge selection tag. The edges are encodes like this: (4*poly)+edge, where edge goes from 0-3. |
Texpresso | XPresso tag. |
Tfixexpression_EX | Deprecated (Fix expression tag). |
Tikexpression | Deprecated (IK expression tag). |
Tkinematic_EX | Deprecated (IK tag). |
Tline | Line data tag. |
Tlookatcamera | Look at camera tag. |
Tmetaball | Metaball tag. |
Tmorph | Deprecated. |
Tmorphcam | Morph camera tag. |
Tmotionblur | Motion blur tag. |
Tmotioncam | Motion camera tag. |
Tnormal | Normals tag. (Contains 12 WORDs per polygon, enumerated like the following: ax,ay,az,bx,by,bz,cx,cy,cz,dx,dy,dz. The value is the Real value of the normal vector component multiplied by 32000.0.) |
Tparticle | Particle data tag. (ParticleTag) |
Tphong | Phong tag. |
Tplugin | Plugin tag - pass the plugin ID. |
Tpoint | Point tag. |
Tpointselection | Point selection tag. (SelectionTag) |
Tpolygon | Polygon data tag. |
Tpolygonselection | Polygon selection tag. (SelectionTag) |
Tposemorph | Pose Morph tag. |
Tprotection | Protection tag. |
Tpython | Python expression tag. |
Trestriction | Restriction tag. |
Tsavetemp | Internal tag. |
Tsculpt | Sculpt tag. |
Tsds | SDS tag. |
Tsdsdata | SDS data. |
Tsegment | Segment data tag. |
Tsoftselection | Soft selection SReal. |
Tsticktexture | Stick texture tag. (StickTextureTag) |
Tstop | Stop tag. |
Tsunexpression | Sun expression tag. |
Ttangent | Tangents tag. |
Ttargetexpression | Target expression tag. |
Ttexture | Texture tag. (TextureTag) |
Tuvw | UVW data tag. (UVWTag) |
Tvariable | Variable tag. (VariableTag) |
Tvertexmap | Vertex map data tag. |
Tvibrate | Vibration tag. |
Tweights | Weights tag. |
Twww | URL tag. |