标签:nyoj43 nyoj 43 24 point game dfs
There is a game which is called 24 Point game.
In this game , you will be given some numbers. Your task is to find an expression which have all the given numbers and the value of the expression should be 24 .The expression mustn‘t have any other operator except plus,minus,multiply,divide and the brackets.
e.g. If the numbers you are given is "3 3 8 8", you can give "8/(3-8/3)" as an answer. All the numbers should be used and the bracktes can be nested.
Your task in this problem is only to judge whether the given numbers can be used to find a expression whose value is the given number。
2 4 24 3 3 8 8 3 24 8 3 3
Yes No
以至于昨天晚上做梦都梦到自己AC了这道题 哈哈
o(︶︿︶)o ,我就只好关闭了百度。看着自己的程序慢慢调试,并且输出每一个可能的结果值。。后来还真被我发现了。。因为我初始的sum为0的缘故,
于是就又改了下AC了 。。嘿嘿。看来我的梦还是挺灵验的。。
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> int flag,n; double a[10],aim;//double型的把 因为相除嘛 难免会造成精度损失 int vis[10]; void dfs(double sum) { int cnt=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(vis[i]) cnt++; if(cnt==n&&fabs(sum-aim)<0.0000001)//一个判断的条件。当所有元素都用上。而且sum和aim相差很小 { flag=1; return ; } for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { if(!vis[i]&&!flag) { vis[i]=1; dfs(sum+a[i]);// dfs(sum-a[i]);// dfs(sum*a[i]);// dfs(sum/a[i]);// dfs(a[i]/sum);// dfs(a[i]-sum);//对于这个数sum只能有6种情况 vis[i]=0; } } } int main() { int ncase; scanf("%d",&ncase); while(ncase--) { scanf("%d %lf",&n,&aim); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%lf",&a[i]); flag=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)// { memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); vis[i]=1; if(!flag) dfs(a[i]);//起初的sum不应该为0,应该是数组中的某一个数、、 }//起初我没有上面这个for循环,只有一个dfs(0);华丽丽的wa... if(flag) printf("Yes\n"); else printf("No\n"); } return 0; }
标签:nyoj43 nyoj 43 24 point game dfs