We have some company middleware and sometimes its difficult to find the correct version Im looking for so I often have to update to different versions to test them.
I usually checkout:
svn co svn+ssh://(username)@(ip)/srv/svn/intranet/trunk/PYTHON/<application> <local-application>
I then may update to a different version
svn update (path) -r (rev)
Most of the time after a few attempts this will cause the error Node remains in conflict
If I delete the folder and try to do a fresh checkout it just restores what I had. All I want to do is checkout a revision, I have made no changes and it still thinks there are conflicts.
Ive tried to resolve them, but nothing seems to work:
svn update -r 1586
Skipped ‘inm/inm‘ -- Node remains in conflict
D inm/fabfile.py
D inm/test.db.bak
D inm/tests
D inm/test.db
D inm/doc
D inm/test.ini
D inm/test.sql
U inm/setup.py
A inm/inm.egg-info
A inm/inm.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
A inm/inm.egg-info/top_level.txt
A inm/inm.egg-info/PKG-INFO
A inm/inm.egg-info/entry_points.txt
A inm/inm.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
A inm/inm.egg-info/not-zip-safe
A inm/inm.egg-info/paster_plugins.txt
A inm/inm.egg-info/requires.txt
U inm/setup.cfg
Updated to revision 1586.
Killed by signal 15.
Summary of conflicts:
Skipped paths: 1
svn resolved inm/inm
Resolved conflicted state of ‘inm/inm‘
svn update inm/inm -r 1586
Updating ‘inm/inm‘:
Skipped ‘inm/inm/templates‘ -- Node remains in conflict
At revision 1586.
Killed by signal 15.
Summary of conflicts:
Skipped paths: 1