Doraemon is playing a game with Dorami. Initially there are piles of stones on the table. Each pile consists of at most 2 stones. Each stone may be black or white. Doraemon and Dorami take turn to take away the stones, the rule is as follows:
Now the piles of stones on the table are known, Doraemon wants to know if he can win. Can you help him?
There are multiple cases (about 45000).
For each case, the first line is an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 6). Then N lines follows. The i-th line contains a string Si and an integer number ai (1 ≤ ai ≤ 1000000000).Si represents
a pile of stones. The characters from left to right correspond to stones from top to bottom. The character ‘w‘ means that stone is white and ‘b‘ means that stone is black. The integer ai means there are ai piles of stones
represented by Si. It‘s guaranteed that Si ≠ Sj when i ≠ j.
For each case, output two words separated by a space in one line. The first word should be "win" if Doraemon can win the game if he makes move first, otherwise it should be "lose". The second word should be "win" if Doraemon can win the game if Dorami makes move first, otherwise it should be "lose".
2 w 1 b 1 2 b 1 wb 1
lose win lose lose
题意:Doraemon 和 Dorami一起玩游戏,Doraemon只能拿白色石子,Dorami只能拿黑色石子,两人轮流操作,如果谁没有石子拿了,那么谁就输了。输出如果Doraemon先拿和后拿两种情况下的结果。告诉n堆石子,每堆用si来表示,共有ai堆,每堆至多2个石子。序列从左到右表示石子从上到下,如果最下面一个被拿走了,那么上面的会消失。
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> typedef long long ll; const int N = 109; using namespace std; int n; ll a[N]; char s[N]; int main() { while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { ll bb=0,ww=0,bw=0,wb=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%s %lld",s,&a[i]); int len=strlen(s); if(len==2) { if(s[0]=='b'&&s[1]=='b') bb+=2*a[i]; else if(s[0]=='w'&&s[1]=='w') ww+=2*a[i]; else if(s[0]=='w'&&s[1]=='b') wb+=a[i]; else if(s[0]=='b'&&s[1]=='w') bw+=a[i]; } else if(len==1) { if(s[0]=='b') bb+=a[i]; else ww+=a[i]; } } if(bw==wb) { bw=0;wb=0; } else if(bw>wb) { bw-=wb; wb=0; } else if(bw<wb) { wb-=bw;bw=0; } if(bb==ww) { bb=0;ww=0; } else if(bb>ww) { bb-=ww;ww=0; } else { ww-=bb;bb=0; } // cout<<"bb="<<bb<<" "<<"ww="<<ww<<endl; //cout<<"wb="<<wb<<" "<<"bw="<<bw<<endl; //xian //int ans1=ww+(bw+1)/2; //int ans2=bb+wb/2; ll ans1=ww+(wb+1+2*bw)/2;//不化简的式子 ll ans2=bb+(2*wb+bw)/2; //cout<<"ans1="<<ans1<<" "<<"ans2="<<ans2<<endl; if(ans1>ans2) printf("win "); else printf("lose "); //hou ans1=ww+bw+wb/2;//不化简的式子 ans2=bb+wb+(bw+1)/2; // ans1=ww+bw/2; // ans2=bb+(wb+1)/2; //cout<<"ans1="<<ans1<<" "<<"ans2="<<ans2<<endl; if(ans1>=ans2) printf("win\n"); else printf("lose\n"); } return 0; } /* 6 wb 5 bw 6 bb 1 ww 1 b 1 w 1 */ /* 2 bw 1 wb 1 */
ZOJ 3452 Doraemon's Stone Game