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Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.07.28

时间:2015-07-30 12:56:06      阅读:123      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]



Meeting time:  2015.July.28th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:   Kirill Zaitsev, core from Mirantis

Meeting summary:


1.Migrating to yaql 1.0 status.

PIC:      Stan Lagun

Status:  This quest is almost completed and most of our unit tests are green already with small minor issues left to fix so the final version is going to be really soon.

Action:  As soon as yaql and muranopl is ready, Kirill Zaitsev will write an email to encourage murano team and murano users to test new yaql.


2.Cloud Foundry Service Broker status

PIC:      Nikolay Starodubtsev

Status:  This quest is almost completed and most of our unit tests are green already with small minor issues left to fix so the final version is going to be really soon.

What is Cloud Foundry?

 Cloud foundry is the first open source PAAS cloud platform which is launched by VMware.

 It supports a variety of framework, language, runtime environment, cloud platform and application services,

 allowing developers to application deployment and expansion within a few seconds,

 no need to worry about the problem of any infrastructure. 

 About this point, it is similar to Murano.

 Link: http://baike.baidu.com/view/8193015.htm

Blue Print Description:

      CloudFoundry allows an integration with 3rd party services via ServiceBroker API.

      The current version of API is v2.5. The API is provided by Pivotal Company which is established by EMC and VMWare.

      If Murano implements this API, it will be possible to expose all Murano applications as a services in CloudFoundry PaaS.

      This will significantly improve PaaS user experience as it will have an ability to integrate his app with existing apps in Murano

      and deploy really complex configurations on top of OpenStack.

      Link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/cloudfoundry-api-support


Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.07.28



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