Problem Definition:
Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:
"((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()"
Solution: 这个问题,用回溯或者遍历法都比较好解,其实思路都是一样的,从空字符开始,逐步插入成对的括号‘()‘。关键是怎么选择插入的位置。
比如当前状态是 ( ), 则一共有三个位置可以插入:
1 ( 2 ) 3 其中,位置1和位置3是对称的,可以只考虑一边。于是下一次插入新的括号对,可能形成的串是: ( )( ),( ( ) )。
1 # @param {integer} n 2 # @return {string[]} 3 def generateParenthesis(self, n): 4 if n<1: 5 return [] 6 res=[‘‘] 7 tmp=[] 8 c=0 9 while c<2*n: 10 for localStr in res: 11 for index in range(len(localStr)/2+1): 12 tmpStr=localStr[:index]+‘()‘+localStr[index:] 13 tmp.append(tmpStr[:]) 14 res=tmp 15 c+=2 16 return res
1 # @param {integer} n 2 # @return {string[]} 3 def generateParenthesis(self, n): 4 res=set() 5 if n==0: 6 return [] 7 backTrack(‘()‘, 2, n, res) 8 return res 9 10 def backTrack(self, localStr, index, n, res): #index from 1 11 if len(localStr)==2*n: 12 sub=localStr[:] 13 if sub not in res: 14 res.append(sub) 15 else: 16 for i in range(index): 17 tmpStr=localStr[:i]+‘()‘+localStr[i:] 18 self.backTrack(tmpStr, index+1, n, res)
LeetCode#22 Generate Parentheses