简要代码 /* * File : print binary tree road between leaf A and leaf B * Date : 2015/8/2 * Author : jinya * Assert A --> B * traverse root , left , right ; left , root , right ; left , right , root; * so left is always before right * 左边叶子节点遍历总是优先于右边叶子节点 * */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <vector> /* * use three pointer tree to memory parent * */ typedef struct Node { int data; struct Node * lchild; struct Node * rchild; struct Node * parent; }*pNode; class Tree { public: Node * pRoot; vector <pNode> vectpNode; public: Tree(); Tree(pNode pRoot); void create(); void create(pNode &root); void create(pNode &root , pNode parent); void travel_leaf(); void travel_leaf(pNode root); int find(int num); void print_tree_road(); }; Tree::Tree() { pRoot = NULL; // pRoot->parent = NULL; // pRoot->lchild = NULL; // pRoot->rchild = NULL; // pRoot->data = 0; // vectpNode = NULL; } Tree::Tree(pNode pRoot) { this->pRoot = pRoot; this->pRoot->parent = NULL; this->pRoot->lchild = NULL; this->pRoot->rchild = NULL; this->pRoot->data = 0; // vectpNode = NULL; } void Tree::create() { create(pRoot); } void Tree::create(pNode &root) { create(root , NULL); } void Tree::create(pNode &root , pNode parent) { int d = 0; cin >> d; if(d) { root = new Node(); root->data = d; root->parent = parent; root->lchild = NULL; root->rchild = NULL; create(root->lchild , root); create(root->rchild , root); } else { root = NULL; } } void Tree::travel_leaf() { travel_leaf(pRoot); } void Tree::travel_leaf(pNode root) { if(root) { cout << root->data << " "; /* 如果是叶子节点加入vector */ if(!root->lchild && !root->rchild) { vectpNode.insert(vectpNode.end() , root); } travel_leaf(root->lchild); travel_leaf(root->rchild); } } int Tree::find(int num) { for(int i = 0; i < vectpNode.size(); ++i) { if(vectpNode[i]->data == num) { return i; } } return -1; } void Tree::print_tree_road() { cout << "所有叶子节点 : "; for(int j = 0; j < vectpNode.size(); ++j) { cout << vectpNode[j]->data << " "; } cout << endl << "--------请输入两个整数(必须是叶子节点):" << endl; int nleaf; cin >> nleaf; int nStart = find(nleaf); cin >> nleaf; int nEnd = find(nleaf); if(-1 == nStart) { nStart = 0; } if(-1 == nEnd) { nEnd = vectpNode.size(); } for(int i = nStart; i < vectpNode.size() && i <= nEnd; ++i) { // cout << vectpNode[i]->data << " "; pNode pCur = vectpNode[i]; while(pCur) { if(!pCur->parent) { cout << pCur->data; break; } cout << pCur->data << "<--"; pCur = pCur->parent; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } int main() { Tree tree; tree.create(); tree.travel_leaf(); tree.print_tree_road(); return 0; }
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