A + B for you againTime Limit: 5000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 5114 Accepted Submission(s): 1286
Problem Description
Generally speaking, there are a lot of problems about strings processing. Now you encounter another such problem. If you get two strings, such as “asdf” and “sdfg”, the result of the addition between them is “asdfg”, for “sdf” is the tail substring of “asdf”
and the head substring of the “sdfg” . However, the result comes as “asdfghjk”, when you have to add “asdf” and “ghjk” and guarantee the shortest string first, then the minimum lexicographic second, the same rules for other additions.
For each case, there are two strings (the chars selected just form ‘a’ to ‘z’) for you, and each length of theirs won’t exceed 10^5 and won’t be empty.
Print the ultimate string by the book.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Wang Ye
一开始是想利用next存取前缀后缀最大匹配的方式做,把后面的串放前面,这样就变成求前缀后缀最大匹配,结果写完发现自己想的样例过不了,各种纠结。后来去网上找解题报告发现题意理解不完全。。。。而且发现这样想是不对的,如果是cbc bcb 这样的最大前缀后缀后缀是4, 而题目并不是这个意思。所有,就要考虑加上KMP判断,找出最大的匹配位置就可以了。
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #define maxn 100000+10 using namespace std; char P[maxn]; char S[maxn]; int pre[200010]; void getnext(char X[maxn],int xlen) { int i=0,j=-1; pre[0]=-1; while(i<xlen){ if(j==-1||X[i]==X[j]){ i++;j++; if(X[j]!=X[i]) pre[i]=j; else pre[i]=pre[j]; } else j=pre[j]; } } int kmpsearch(char *x,char *y) { int i=0,j=0; int xlen=strlen(x); int ylen=strlen(y); getnext(x,xlen); while(j<xlen&&i<ylen){ if(j==-1||x[j]==y[i]){ i++;j++; } else j=pre[j]; } if(i>=ylen)return j; return 0; } int main() { while(scanf("%s%s",P,S)!=EOF){ int l1=kmpsearch(P,S); int l2=kmpsearch(S,P); if(l1==l2){ if(strcmp(P,S)>0){ printf("%s%s\n",S,P+l1); } else printf("%s%s\n",P,S+l1); } else if(l1<l2){ printf("%s%s\n",P,S+l2); } else{ printf("%s%s\n",S,P+l1); } } return 0; }
A + B for you againTime Limit: 5000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 5114 Accepted Submission(s): 1286
Problem Description
Generally speaking, there are a lot of problems about strings processing. Now you encounter another such problem. If you get two strings, such as “asdf” and “sdfg”, the result of the addition between them is “asdfg”, for “sdf” is the tail substring of “asdf”
and the head substring of the “sdfg” . However, the result comes as “asdfghjk”, when you have to add “asdf” and “ghjk” and guarantee the shortest string first, then the minimum lexicographic second, the same rules for other additions.
For each case, there are two strings (the chars selected just form ‘a’ to ‘z’) for you, and each length of theirs won’t exceed 10^5 and won’t be empty.
Print the ultimate string by the book.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Wang Ye
HDOJ A + B for you again 1867【KMP】