procaryotic cell 原核细胞(无核膜)
having cells that lack membrane-bound nuclei(核心)
eucaryotic cell 真核细胞(有核膜)
having cells with `good‘ or membrane-bound nuclei
nucleus 细胞核[‘nju?kl??s]
nucleoid [‘n?kli,??d]拟核
也称核区(nuclear region)、核体(nuclear body)或染色质体(chromatin body)。是没有由核膜包被的细胞核,也没有染色体.主要成分是占60%的DNA和少量RNA以及蛋白质。
nuclear membrane 核膜 :
protein 蛋白质
Protein is a substance found in food and drink such as meat, eggs, and milk. You need protein in order to grow and be healthy.
amino acid氨基酸[?,mi:n?u ‘æsid]
Amino acids are substances containing nitrogen and hydrogen that are found in proteins. Amino acids occur naturally in the body. 氨基酸