关于SIFT的原理已经有很多大牛的博客上做了解析,本文重点将以Rob Hess等人用C实现的代码做解析,结合代码SIFT原理会更容易理解。一些难理解点的用了☆标注。
SIFT(Scale-invariant feature transform)即尺度不变特征转换,提取的局部特征点具有尺度不变性,且对于旋转,亮度,噪声等有很高的稳定性。
/** Finds SIFT features in an image using user-specified parameter values. All detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat. */ int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls, double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr, int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins ) { IplImage* init_img; IplImage*** gauss_pyr, *** dog_pyr; CvMemStorage* storage; CvSeq* features; int octvs, i, n = 0; /* check arguments */ if( ! img ) fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if( ! feat ) fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); /* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */ init_img = create_init_img( img, img_dbl, sigma ); //对进行图片预处理 octvs = log( MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log(2) - 2; //计算高斯金字塔的组数(octave),同时保证顶层至少有4个像素点 gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma ); //建立高斯金字塔 dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls ); //DOG尺度空间 storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 ); features = scale_space_extrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, //极值点检测,并去除不稳定特征点 curv_thr, storage ); calc_feature_scales( features, sigma, intvls ); //计算特征点所在的尺度 if( img_dbl ) adjust_for_img_dbl( features ); //如果图像初始被扩大了2倍,所有坐标与尺度要除以2 calc_feature_oris( features, gauss_pyr ); //计算特征点的方向角 compute_descriptors( features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );//计算特征描述子 /* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */ cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)feature_cmp, NULL ); //对特征点按尺度排序 n = features->total; *feat = calloc( n, sizeof(struct feature) ); *feat = cvCvtSeqToArray( features, *feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { free( (*feat)[i].feature_data ); (*feat)[i].feature_data = NULL; } cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); cvReleaseImage( &init_img ); release_pyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 ); release_pyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 ); return n; }
/************************ Functions prototyped here **************************/ /* Converts an image to 8-bit grayscale and Gaussian-smooths it. The image is optionally doubled in size prior to smoothing. @param img input image @param img_dbl if true, image is doubled in size prior to smoothing @param sigma total std of Gaussian smoothing */ static IplImage* create_init_img( IplImage* img, int img_dbl, double sigma ) { IplImage* gray, * dbl; double sig_diff; gray = convert_to_gray32( img ); //转换为32位灰度图 if( img_dbl ) // 图像被放大二倍 { sig_diff = sqrt( sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * 4 ); // sigma = 1.6 , SIFT_INIT_SIGMA = 0.5 lowe认为图像在尺度0.5下最清晰 dbl = cvCreateImage( cvSize( img->width*2, img->height*2 ), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cvResize( gray, dbl, CV_INTER_CUBIC ); //双三次插值方法 放大图像 cvSmooth( dbl, dbl, CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, sig_diff, sig_diff ); //高斯平滑 cvReleaseImage( &gray ); return dbl; } else { sig_diff = sqrt( sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA ); cvSmooth( gray, gray, CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, sig_diff, sig_diff ); // 高斯平滑 return gray; } }
/* Builds Gaussian scale space pyramid from an image @param base base image of the pyramid @param octvs number of octaves of scale space @param intvls number of intervals per octave @param sigma amount of Gaussian smoothing per octave @return Returns a Gaussian scale space pyramid as an octvs x (intvls + 3) array 给定组数(octave)和层数(intvls),以及初始平滑系数sigma,构建高斯金字塔 返回的每组中层数为intvls+3 */ static IplImage*** build_gauss_pyr( IplImage* base, int octvs, int intvls, double sigma ) { IplImage*** gauss_pyr; const int _intvls = intvls; // lowe 采用了每组层数(intvls)为 3 // double sig_total, sig_prev; double k; int i, o; double *sig = (double *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(_intvls+3)); //存储每组的高斯平滑因子,每组对应的平滑因子都相同 gauss_pyr = calloc( octvs, sizeof( IplImage** ) ); for( i = 0; i < octvs; i++ ) gauss_pyr[i] = calloc( intvls + 3, sizeof( IplImage *) ); /* precompute Gaussian sigmas using the following formula: \sigma_{total}^2 = \sigma_{i}^2 + \sigma_{i-1}^2 sig[i] is the incremental sigma value needed to compute the actual sigma of level i. Keeping track of incremental sigmas vs. total sigmas keeps the gaussian kernel small. */ k = pow( 2.0, 1.0 / intvls ); // k = 2^(1/S) sig[0] = sigma; sig[1] = sigma * sqrt( k*k- 1 ); for (i = 2; i < intvls + 3; i++) sig[i] = sig[i-1] * k; //每组对应的平滑因子为 σ , sqrt(k^2 -1)* σ, sqrt(k^2 -1)* kσ , ... for( o = 0; o < octvs; o++ ) for( i = 0; i < intvls + 3; i++ ) { if( o == 0 && i == 0 ) gauss_pyr[o][i] = cvCloneImage(base); //第一组,第一层为原图 /* base of new octvave is halved image from end of previous octave */ else if( i == 0 ) gauss_pyr[o][i] = downsample( gauss_pyr[o-1][intvls] ); //第一层图像由上一层倒数第三张隔点采样得到 /* blur the current octave's last image to create the next one */ else { gauss_pyr[o][i] = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(gauss_pyr[o][i-1]), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cvSmooth( gauss_pyr[o][i-1], gauss_pyr[o][i], CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, sig[i], sig[i] ); //高斯平滑 } } return gauss_pyr; }
static IplImage*** build_dog_pyr( IplImage*** gauss_pyr, int octvs, int intvls ) { IplImage*** dog_pyr; int i, o; dog_pyr = calloc( octvs, sizeof( IplImage** ) ); for( i = 0; i < octvs; i++ ) dog_pyr[i] = calloc( intvls + 2, sizeof(IplImage*) ); for( o = 0; o < octvs; o++ ) for( i = 0; i < intvls + 2; i++ ) { dog_pyr[o][i] = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(gauss_pyr[o][i]), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cvSub( gauss_pyr[o][i+1], gauss_pyr[o][i], dog_pyr[o][i], NULL ); //相邻两层图像相减,结果放在dog_pyr数组内 } return dog_pyr; }
/* Detects features at extrema in DoG scale space. Bad features are discarded based on contrast and ratio of principal curvatures. @return Returns an array of detected features whose scales, orientations, and descriptors are yet to be determined. */ static CvSeq* scale_space_extrema( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octvs, int intvls, double contr_thr, int curv_thr, CvMemStorage* storage ) { CvSeq* features; double prelim_contr_thr = 0.5 * contr_thr / intvls; //极值比较前的阈值处理 struct feature* feat; struct detection_data* ddata; int o, i, r, c; features = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(struct feature), storage ); for( o = 0; o < octvs; o++ ) //对DOG尺度空间上,遍历从第二层图像开始到倒数第二层图像上,每个像素点 for( i = 1; i <= intvls; i++ ) for(r = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r < dog_pyr[o][0]->height-SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r++) for(c = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c < dog_pyr[o][0]->width-SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c++) /* perform preliminary check on contrast */ if( ABS( pixval32f( dog_pyr[o][i], r, c ) ) > prelim_contr_thr ) // 排除像素值小于阈值prelim_contr_thr的点,提高稳定性 if( is_extremum( dog_pyr, o, i, r, c ) ) //与周围26个像素值比较,是否极大值或者极小值点 { feat = interp_extremum(dog_pyr, o, i, r, c, intvls, contr_thr); //插值处理,找到准确的特征点坐标 if( feat ) { ddata = feat_detection_data( feat ); if( ! is_too_edge_like( dog_pyr[ddata->octv][ddata->intvl], //根据Hessian矩阵 判断是否为边缘上的点 ddata->r, ddata->c, curv_thr ) ) { cvSeqPush( features, feat ); //是特征点进入特征点序列 } else free( ddata ); free( feat ); } } return features; }
/* Determines whether a pixel is a scale-space extremum by comparing it to it's 3x3x3 pixel neighborhood. */ static int is_extremum( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c ) { double val = pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c ); int i, j, k; /* check for maximum */ if( val > 0 ) { for( i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) for( j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) for( k = -1; k <= 1; k++ ) if( val < pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+i], r + j, c + k ) ) return 0; } /* check for minimum */ else { for( i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) for( j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) for( k = -1; k <= 1; k++ ) if( val > pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+i], r + j, c + k ) ) return 0; } return 1; }
/* Performs one step of extremum interpolation. Based on Eqn. (3) in Lowe's paper. r,c 为特征点位置,xi,xr,xc,保存三个方向的偏移量 */ static void interp_step( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c, double* xi, double* xr, double* xc ) { CvMat* dD, * H, * H_inv, X; double x[3] = { 0 }; dD = deriv_3D( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c ); //计算三个方向的梯度 H = hessian_3D( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c ); // 计算3维空间的hessian矩阵 H_inv = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 ); cvInvert( H, H_inv, CV_SVD ); //计算逆矩阵 cvInitMatHeader( &X, 3, 1, CV_64FC1, x, CV_AUTOSTEP ); cvGEMM( H_inv, dD, -1, NULL, 0, &X, 0 ); //广义乘法 cvReleaseMat( &dD ); cvReleaseMat( &H ); cvReleaseMat( &H_inv ); *xi = x[2]; *xr = x[1]; *xc = x[0]; }
/* Interpolates a scale-space extremum's location and scale to subpixel accuracy to form an image feature. */ static struct feature* interp_extremum( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, //通过拟合求取准确的特征点位置 int intvl, int r, int c, int intvls, double contr_thr ) { struct feature* feat; struct detection_data* ddata; double xi, xr, xc, contr; int i = 0; while( i < SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS ) //在最大迭代次数范围内进行 { interp_step( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c, &xi, &xr, &xc ); //插值后得到的三个方向的偏移量(xi,xr,xc) if( ABS( xi ) < 0.5 && ABS( xr ) < 0.5 && ABS( xc ) < 0.5 ) break; c += cvRound( xc ); //更新位置 r += cvRound( xr ); intvl += cvRound( xi ); if( intvl < 1 || intvl > intvls || c < SIFT_IMG_BORDER || r < SIFT_IMG_BORDER || c >= dog_pyr[octv][0]->width - SIFT_IMG_BORDER || r >= dog_pyr[octv][0]->height - SIFT_IMG_BORDER ) { return NULL; } i++; } /* ensure convergence of interpolation */ if( i >= SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS ) return NULL; contr = interp_contr( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c, xi, xr, xc ); //计算插值后对应的函数值 if( ABS( contr ) < contr_thr / intvls ) //小于阈值(0.04/S)的点,则丢弃 return NULL; feat = new_feature(); ddata = feat_detection_data( feat ); feat->img_pt.x = feat->x = ( c + xc ) * pow( 2.0, octv ); // 计算特征点根据降采样的次数对应于原图中位置 feat->img_pt.y = feat->y = ( r + xr ) * pow( 2.0, octv ); ddata->r = r; // 在本尺度内的坐标位置 ddata->c = c; ddata->octv = octv; //组信息 ddata->intvl = intvl; // 层信息 ddata->subintvl = xi; // 层方向的偏移量 return feat; }