Guava 在Google code 上地址:https://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/
第一部分:basic utilities
理解Optional<T> ,首先要理解为什么出现这个。在Java中null其实代表的意思在不同的content下是不同的,比如一个值可能是null或者是真的不存在。在Map.get时会return null 如果这个key的value没有找到或者也有可能是这个key不存在。"It‘s very easy to mix up the cases where a Map contains an entry for a key, with value null, and the case where the Map has no entry for a key" 这句话说的这个意思。而Optional出现就是为了让这个null清晰
package google.guava; import com.google.common.base.*; /** * Created by xiaoxin on 15-8-11. */ public class GuavaDemo { Optional<String> userName; public static void main(String []args){ GuavaDemo gd = new GuavaDemo(); String userNameFromReuqest = "userNameTest"; gd.userName = Optional.of(userNameFromReuqest); gd.userName.isPresent(); System.out.println(gd.userName.get()); String nullUserName = null; gd.userName = Optional.fromNullable(nullUserName); System.out.println(gd.userName.isPresent());
//利用Optional.fromNulllable(T)可以很好的处理一些可能为nulll的传值。 /* String userName = ..FromUnknowSourcce() gd.userName = Optional.fromNullable(userName); if (gd.userName.isPresent()){ handle username }else{ handle exception }*/ } }
non-null在Optional的理解就是 present,而null是absent,但不存在说我这个var里contain一个null。 即只有两种情况。
Optional.of(T) | Make an Optional containing the given non-null value, or fail fast on null. |
Optional.absent() | Return an absent Optional of some type. |
Optional.fromNullable(T) | Turn the given possibly-null reference into an Optional, treating non-null as present and null as absent |
boolean isPresent() | Returns true if this Optional contains a non-null instance. //如果Optional里是non-null就是返回true |
T get() | Returns the contained T instance, which must be present; otherwise, throws an IllegalStateException. //返回必须是non-null,否则抛出exception |
T or(T) | Returns the present value in this Optional, or if there is none, returns the specified default.//返回value如果是是non-null,如果是none,就返回特定的默认值,这里的默认值是你穿进去的参数 |
T orNull() | Returns the present value in this Optional, or if there is none, returns null. The inverse operation of fromNullable. |
Set<T> asSet() | Returns an immutable singleton Set containing the instance in this Optional, if there is one, or otherwise an empty immutable set. |
其实很多的处理null的情况都是String,所以有Strings的静态方法: 方法名就一目了然了~ 后面还有个Strings的专门章节
emptyToNull(String) |
isNullOrEmpty(String) |
nullToEmpty(String) |