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Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.08.11

时间:2015-08-12 06:38:10      阅读:112      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]



Meeting time:   2015.August.11th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:


1.Migrating to yaql 1.0 status.

   PIC:       Stan Lagun

   Status:   All commits are on review but not yet merged.

      New yaql engine should be fully functional at the moment.

      Though we need to fix pep8, it passes all unit tests.      

      The yaql rc2 will be released as soon as all yaql commits got merged and test.

      Maybe it will be better to set it to >=1.0.0<2.0.0 right from the start,

      test with RC2 and if everything work fine make rc2 to be the release and merge new engine there?



   Action:   Kirill Zaitsev will write an email to encourage murano team and murano users to test new yaql.

 Links:   https://review.openstack.org/#/c/204099/





2.Oslo.log library 1.8 

   PIC:       Nikolay Starodubtsev

   Status:  The Oslo.log library 1.8 have already released.  

      In the near future we might need to update it,

      as soon as TRACE level is introduced in the newest oslo.log version.

 Link:   http://murano-specs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/specs/liberty/murano-log-guildelines.html


3.Artifact (glance v3) transition status update

   PIC:        Alexander Tivelkov 

   Action:  Kirill Zaitsev write e-mail about stable jobs

       there is a bunch of bugs in glance reported related to artifact filtering by version,

       Ativelkov is working on bugs in GLARE, plugin for Murano is published.

       The code in python-muranoclient has to wait till the fixes are in place

       (and till we release an experimatal version of python-glanceclient with v3 support)

       The plan is to close the glance bugs later this week, so we may proceed.

       GLARE:GLance Artifact Repository

Links:     https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1479700


4.My Weekly Work


5.Open Disscution

    Murano Engine wait for heat feedback.


Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.08.11



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