“无人机” 的第一个意思是“没有人”。英语可以译为nobody, no one, none 或 no people.
1. 他已经消失了多年。 无人知晓他的下落。
He has disappeared for many years. Nobody knows where he is
2. 在这场空难中,机上的乘客和乘务人员全部遇难,无人生还。
All the crew members and passagers on borad died in the air crash, and none retured alive.
"无人区", 英语译为“depopulated zone”, "no man‘s-land"
3. 藏北生态无人区是野生动物的天然保护区,那里繁衍生息着多种西藏高原特有的珍稀动物。
The ecological depopulated zone in North Tibet is a natural preserve for wildlife, where are inhabited many kinds of rare animals plateau.
4. 抗日战争时期, 日本侵略者占领了我国大部领土,并制造了许多“无我区”。
During the Anti-Japanese war, the Japanese invaders occupied most of China‘s territory and create a lot of no man‘s-land.
5. 为了探索宇宙空间,中国于2011年9月30日发射了“天宫一号” 无人宇宙飞船。
To explore outer space, China sent up the unmanned spaceship, Tiangong-1, on September 30, 2011.
"无人驾驶飞机", 简称“无人机” 英语译为“unmanned aerial vechicle”, "unmanned place" ,"piotless plane","drone plane", 或“drone”.例如:
6. 一位白宫发言人说,一架小型无人机于星期一凌晨坠落在白宫草坪上,但是这架无人机看上去好像没有危险。
A white House spokesman said that said a small drone crashed on the lawns in the early hours of monday but the drone did not appear to be dangerous.
7. 高考期间, 河南省官员派出一架携带无线电扫描仪的无人机来抓作弊者。
During the National Matriculation Examination, officials in Henan Province deployed a drone plane carrying a radio scaner to catch cheats.
"无人"的第三个意思是“自助”。英语译为“self-service” ,例如:
8. 据报道, 贵阳有个普通市民拥有的无人报摊已开张6年,从未发生过不付钱拿走报纸的事。
It is reported that a self-service newspaper stall in Guiyang, owned by an ordinary citizen, has operated for six years without any papers taken away unpaid for.