Sample Input
2 3 2 2 3 3 1 1
Sample Output
1 2
Case 1 :You can split the floor into five apartments. The answer is 1. Case 2: You can split the floor into three apartments and two apartments. The answer is 2. If you want to split the floor into eight apartments, it will be unacceptable because the apartment located on (2,2) can‘t have windows.
#include <iostream> #include<algorithm> #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f using namespace std; int main() { int n, m, x, y, ans; while(~scanf( "%d%d%d%d", &n, &m, &x, &y )) { if(n>m) swap( n, m ), swap( x, y );//调整,非常重要,注意x和n要一起旋转 if(n == m && n & 1 && x == y && x == (n + 1) / 2) ans = x - 1; else { int m1 = min( y, m - y + 1 ); int m2 = max( x - 1, n - x ); ans = min( m1, m2 ); ans = max( ans, (n + 1) / 2 ); } printf( "%d\n", ans ); } return 0; }这道题重在思维,代码其实非常简单。一开始的调整动作是非常有必要的,也是此题精髓所在。