在以前的例子“利用ContentHub API来import图片”及“使用ContentHub来导入我们需要的照片”中,我们已经讲述了如何从别的应用中提取一个图片到我们的应用中。我们也在我们的另外一个文章“如何通过ContentHub把内容从一个地方传到另外一个地方”介绍了如何把我们应用的照片存放到我们想要的目录中。这一切都是通过ContentHub API来实现的。在今天的文章中,我们将着重介绍如何使自己的应用变成一个exporter,从而别的应用可以从我们的应用中import图片等到它的应用中。同时我们也可以把我们的照片分享或传人到其它的应用中去。
Type | Description |
ContentType.Uknown | Unknown type |
ContentType.Documents | Documents |
ContentType.Pictures | Pictures |
ContentType.Music | Music |
ContentType.Contacts | Contacts |
ContentType.Videos | Videos |
ContentType.Links | Links |
ContentType.EBooks | EBooks |
ContentType.All | Any of the above content types |
{ "source": [ "pictures" ] }
{ "name": "contenthub-exporter.liu-xiao-guo", "description": "description of contenthub-exporter", "architecture": "all", "title": "contenthub-exporter", "hooks": { "contenthub-exporter": { "apparmor": "contenthub-exporter.apparmor", "desktop": "contenthub-exporter.desktop", "content-hub": "content-hub/hub-exporter.json" } }, "version": "0.1", "maintainer": "XiaoGuo, Liu <xiaoguo.liu@canonical.com>", "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-15.04" }
ListModel { id: images // Text ListElement { src: "Some text to share" selected: false contentType: ContentType.Text } // Images ListElement { src: "images/1.jpg" selected: false contentType: ContentType.Pictures } ListElement { src: "images/2.jpg" selected: false contentType: ContentType.Pictures } ... }
Component { id: imageDelegate Item { id: curItem width: units.gu(19) height: width property string url: contentType === ContentType.Text ? src : Qt.resolvedUrl(src) property string preview: root.__getImageFromItem(images.get(index)) property bool selected: selected UbuntuShape { height: parent.width width: height image: Image { id: image source: preview height: parent.width width: height sourceSize.height: height sourceSize.width: width fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit smooth: true } Image { id: selectionTick anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top width: units.gu(5) height: units.gu(5) visible: curItem.selected && root.pickMode source: "photo-preview-selected-overlay.png" } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: root.pickMode onClicked: { selected = !selected; images.setProperty(index, "selected", selected); } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: !root.pickMode onPressAndHold: { PopupUtils.open(actPopComp, emptyItemForCaller); } onClicked: { if (!actPopComp.visible) { // PopupUtils.open(actPopComp, emptyItemForCaller); pageStack.push(imageView, {"url": url, "preview": preview, "contentType": contentType}); } } } /* create an empty item centered in the image to align the popover to */ Item { id: emptyItemForCaller anchors.centerIn: parent z: 100 } Component { id: actPopComp ActionSelectionPopover { id: actPop delegate: ListItem.Standard { text: action.text } actions: ActionList { Action { text: "Open with..." onTriggered: { PopupUtils.close(actPop); if (contentType === ContentType.Text) { pageStack.push(picker, {"url": src, "handler": ContentHandler.Destination, "contentType": contentType}); } else { pageStack.push(picker, {"url": url, "handler": ContentHandler.Destination, "contentType": contentType}); } } } Action { text: "Share" onTriggered: { PopupUtils.close(actPop); if (contentType === ContentType.Text) { pageStack.push(picker, {"url": src, "handler": ContentHandler.Share, "contentType": contentType}); } else { pageStack.push(picker, {"url": url, "handler": ContentHandler.Share, "contentType": contentType}); } } } } } } } }
UbuntuShape { height: parent.width width: height image: Image { id: image source: preview height: parent.width width: height sourceSize.height: height sourceSize.width: width fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit smooth: true } Image { id: selectionTick anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top width: units.gu(5) height: units.gu(5) visible: curItem.selected && root.pickMode source: "photo-preview-selected-overlay.png" } }
property bool pickMode: (root.activeTransfer.state === ContentTransfer.InProgress && root.activeTransfer.direction === ContentTransfer.Import)
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: root.pickMode onClicked: { selected = !selected; images.setProperty(index, "selected", selected); } }
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: !root.pickMode onPressAndHold: { PopupUtils.open(actPopComp, emptyItemForCaller); } onClicked: { if (!actPopComp.visible) { // PopupUtils.open(actPopComp, emptyItemForCaller); pageStack.push(imageView, {"url": url, "preview": preview, "contentType": contentType}); } } }
Page { id: imageView visible: false property var url property var contentType title: i18n.tr("Image detais") property alias preview: image.source tools: ToolbarItems { ToolbarButton { action: Action { text: "Open with..." iconName: "add" onTriggered: { pageStack.push(picker, {"url": imageView.url, "handler": ContentHandler.Destination, "contentType": imageView.contentType }); } } } ToolbarButton { action: Action { text: "Share" iconName: "contact-group" onTriggered: { pageStack.push(picker, {"url": imageView.url, "handler": ContentHandler.Share, "contentType": imageView.contentType }); } } } } Image { id: image anchors.fill: parent sourceSize.height: height sourceSize.width: width } }
整个应用的代码在:git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/contenthub-exporter.git
同时,为了配合我们的测试,我也设计了我们的contenthub-importer应用:git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/contenthub-importer.git
contenthub importer 的应用界面: