参考文档:文档 ID 365238.1
根据文档显示,只需要在程序AP_WEB_OA_CUSTOM_PKG.GetNewExpenseReportInvoice 添加生成逻辑即可
FUNCTION GetNewExpenseReportInvoice(p_employeeId IN ap_expense_report_headers.employee_id%TYPE, p_userId IN fnd_user.user_id%TYPE, p_reportHeaderId IN ap_expense_report_headers.report_header_id%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_reportNumber ap_expense_report_headers.invoice_num%TYPE := NULL; l_userName fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := null; l_nReport NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF (p_employeeId is not NULL AND p_userId is not NULL) THEN -- SAMPLE CODE -- If you want to access the AP_WEB_REPNUM_PREFIX profile option, -- use the following function: -- fnd_profile.value_specific( 'AP_WEB_REPNUM_PREFIX', p_userId ) -- -- The following sample code will generate the report invoice of <userid><YY-DDMMHHMI><-><number> format -- where: -- userid : the employee's user name -- YY : the las 2 digit of the current year and -- number : the total number of expense reports the employee has -- for the current year including the current report. -- -- -- Get the user name SELECT user_name INTO l_userName FROM fnd_user fnd WHERE fnd.employee_id = p_employeeId AND fnd.user_id = p_userId AND sysdate <= nvl(fnd.end_date, sysdate) AND rownum = 1; -- Get the total of the number of expense report -- this employee has for current year SELECT count(*) INTO l_nReport FROM ap_expense_report_headers WHERE employee_id = p_employeeId AND to_char(sysdate, 'RR') = to_char(CREATION_DATE, 'RR'); l_nReport := l_nReport + 1; -- Max length of the report number is 50 l_reportNumber := SUBSTR(l_userName, 1, 30) || to_char(sysdate,'RR-DDMMHHMI') || '-'|| ltrim(to_char(l_nReport,'0999')); END IF; RETURN l_reportNumber; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN return NULL; END GetNewExpenseReportInvoice;
How To Configure Expense Report Numbers? 客户化费用报表编号