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搜索关键字:project-euler    ( 184个结果
Project Euler 87 :Prime power triples 素数幂三元组
Prime power triplesThe smallest number expressible as the sum of a prime square, prime cube, and prime fourth power is 28. In fact, there are exactly ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-27 21:37:09    阅读次数:201
Project Euler 86:Cuboid route 长方体路径
Cuboid routeA spider, S, sits in one corner of a cuboid room, measuring 6 by 5 by 3, and a fly, F, sits in the opposite corner. By travelling on the s...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-27 20:01:21    阅读次数:231
【Project Euler 1】Multiples of 3 and 5
题目要求是:If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.Find the sum of...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-27 19:30:21    阅读次数:136
Project Euler 85 :Counting rectangles 数长方形
Counting rectanglesBy counting carefully it can be seen that a rectangular grid measuring 3 by 2 contains eighteen rectangles:Although there exists no...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-26 23:03:54    阅读次数:205
Project Euler 84:Monopoly odds 大富翁几率
Monopoly oddsIn the game,Monopoly, the standard board is set up in the following way:GOA1CC1A2T1R1B1CH1B2B3JAILH2C1T2U1H1C2CH3C3R4R2G3D1CC3CC2G2D2G1D3...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-26 21:14:51    阅读次数:349
Project Euler 83:Path sum: four ways 路径和:4个方向
Path sum: four waysNOTE: This problem is a significantly more challenging version ofProblem 81.In the 5 by 5 matrix below, the minimal path sum from t...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-23 23:15:12    阅读次数:248
Project Euler 80:Path sum: two ways 路径和:两个方向
Path sum: two waysIn the 5 by 5 matrix below, the minimal path sum from the top left to the bottom right, byonly moving to the right and down, is indi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-22 23:13:34    阅读次数:263
Project Euler 80:Square root digital expansion 平方根数字展开
Square root digital expansionIt is well known that if the square root of a natural number is not an integer, then it is irrational. The decimal expans...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-11-22 21:37:11    阅读次数:112
Project Euler 第一题效率分析
Project Euler: 欧拉计划是一系列挑战数学或者计算机编程问题,解决这些问题需要的不仅仅是数学功底。 启动这一项目的目的在于,为乐于探索的人提供一个钻研其他领域并且学习新知识的平台,将这一平台打造一个有趣和休闲 的环境。 项目主页:https://projecteuler.net 第一题 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-10-31 18:26:20    阅读次数:167
lintcode 容易题:Permutation Index 排列序号
题目:排列序号给出一个不含重复数字的排列,求这些数字的所有排列按字典序排序后该排列的编号。其中,编号从1开始。样例例如,排列[1,2,4]是第1个排列。解题:这个题目感觉很坑的。感觉这只有求出所有的排列,然后找出其对应的下标,但是怎么求出排列,在做Project Euler 时候碰到过,但是现在我又...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-10-15 20:44:23    阅读次数:1945
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