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搜索关键字:door    ( 157个结果
假设有一个抽象类Door,有两个方法open和close,此时我们想新建一个类AlarmDoor,需要具有报警功能,是该用抽象类继承还是使用接口?abstract class和interface的区别:1.定义上的区别abstract class Demo{ abstract void met...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-30 10:16:20    阅读次数:97
Percy Buttons
原文 I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang song...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-28 20:18:54    阅读次数:158
Linux UserSpace Back-Door、Rootkit Attack And Defensive Tchnology
Linux UserSpace Back-Door、Rootkit Attack And Defensive Tchnology
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-06-24 15:58:35    阅读次数:313
Spring.net 事件的注入
1.首先上客户端代码staticvoidMain(string[]args){IApplicationContextctx=ContextRegistry.GetContext(); Console.WriteLine("事件注册");Doordoor=(Door)ctx.GetObjec...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-13 21:37:55    阅读次数:173
LightOJ1027---A Dangerous Maze (期望)
You are in a maze; seeing n doors in front of you in beginning. You can choose any door you like. The probability for choosing a door is equal for all doors.If you choose the ith door, it can either ta...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-17 16:49:18    阅读次数:118
What are the ages of her children
Question Tom meets a new neighbor, Christina, next door to him.During the conversation with Christina, Tom asks her, “How many kids do you have?”.“Thr...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-13 16:19:16    阅读次数:114
1006. Sign In and Sign Out (25)
题目如下: At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will unlock the door, and the last one who signs out will lock the door. Given the records of signing in's and...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-11 22:08:58    阅读次数:138
poj2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator
Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following the stripy elephant” has a quest where a player needs to open a refrigerator. There are 16 handles on the refrigerator door. Every handle can...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-30 21:59:43    阅读次数:218
ZOJ 3640 Help Me Escape(概率dp+记忆化)
Background     If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.     And Cain ta...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-22 09:41:23    阅读次数:199
A1006. Sign In and Sign Out (25)
At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will unlock the door, and the last one who signs out will lock the door...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-16 16:06:29    阅读次数:153
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