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搜索关键字:servlet-api.jar not loaded    ( 1419个结果
openstack中glance组件images的所有python API 汇总
Images class glanceclient.v1.images.Image(manager, info, loaded=False) Bases: glanceclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.Resource data(**kwargs) delete(**kwargs) update(**fields) clas...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-24 12:58:59    阅读次数:123
openstack中nova组件Hypervisors、Floating_ips的所有python API 汇总
Floating_ips class novaclient.v2.floating_ips.FloatingIP(manager, info, loaded=False) Bases: novaclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.Resource Populate and bind to a manager. ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-24 12:56:23    阅读次数:167
openstack中Nova组件Networks的所有python API 汇总
Networks Network interface. class novaclient.v2.networks.Network(manager, info, loaded=False) Bases: novaclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.Resource A network. Populate and bind to a manager...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-24 12:55:51    阅读次数:175
[Schema]I have updated my XML Schema for my service but SoapUI still generates/validates according to the old schema.
SoapUI caches XML schemas when they are first loaded. If you need to force a reload of an interfaces schema either restart SoapUI or use the "Update D...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-21 19:42:58    阅读次数:121
virtualbox启动时报错 Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vbo...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-18 11:17:57    阅读次数:106
Erlang 热更新机制
Current and Old CodeThe code of a module can exists in two variants in a system:current codeandold code. When a module is loaded into the system for t...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-17 23:11:23    阅读次数:139
M_LROOT,LD_LIBRARY_PATH, “Not all extension Dlls were loaded”问题原因及解决方法
最近在需要在云主机上进行压力测试,所以需要Linux的Agent。一、安装:教程可以百度,大概步骤如下:1、Upload Linux.zip to 指定的机器2、解压,chmod 777 $Linux/installer.sh3、执行Linux下的installer.sh按照提示安装下去即可。二、环...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-17 19:49:39    阅读次数:268
openstack中Nova组件servers的所有python API 汇总
Servers Server interface. class novaclient.v2.servers.Server(manager, info, loaded=False) Bases: novaclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.Resource Populate and bind to a manager. Param...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-17 11:40:29    阅读次数:203
Mac打不开Wireshark dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/X11/lib/libcairo.2.dylib
Q1:Mac OS Mountain Lion默认是没有安装X11的,而wireshark运行需要x11,因此如果直接安装wireshark而没有安装x11,wireshark不会正常运行。A1:去苹果主页下载最新版本的xQuartz,然后运行wireshark,会弹出一个选择x11的界面,选择/A...
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-06-14 22:33:54    阅读次数:354
JAXB 2.0 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader
在使用webservice,mule esb等需要jaxb的项目里经常会出现 JAXB 2.0 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader这个错误,按照打出的信息Use the endorsed directory mechanism to ...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2015-06-08 18:47:01    阅读次数:185
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