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搜索关键字:surrounded    ( 192个结果
LeetCode - Number of Islands
Number of Islands2015.4.17 06:16Given a 2d grid map of'1's (land) and'0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and i...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-17 07:08:59    阅读次数:294
[LeetCode 200] Number of Islands
题目链接:number-of-islands /** * Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent land...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-15 19:40:44    阅读次数:179
Number of Islands
Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assume...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-13 19:05:29    阅读次数:138
[leetcode] Number of Islands
Number of IslandsGiven a 2d grid map of'1's (land) and'0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by con...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-13 00:04:14    阅读次数:229
[LeetCode]Number of Islands
Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assu...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-12 09:22:41    阅读次数:175
UVA - 11464 - Even Parity
11464 Even Parity We have a grid of size N × N. Each cell of the grid initially contains a zero(0) or a one(1). The parity of a cell is the number of 1s surrounding that cell. A cell is surrounded b...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-12 09:15:39    阅读次数:143
【LeetCode】200. Number of Islands (2 solutions)
Number of IslandsGiven a 2d grid map of'1's (land) and'0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by con...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-11 23:50:33    阅读次数:167
Leetcode: Number of Islands
Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacen...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-11 06:35:48    阅读次数:145
[LeetCode]200.Number of Islands
题目Given a 2d grid map of ‘1’s (land) and ‘0’s (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assum...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-10 22:08:54    阅读次数:153
Surrounded Regions
给定一个由字符'X'和‘O’组成的矩阵,消除所有被‘X’包围的‘O’ X X X XX O O XX X O XX O X X变成X X X XX X X XX X X XX O X X思路:有点像围棋里一块区域是否有气,只有有气的才能存活下来。即只有‘O’到达了四条边界才可以存活,因此从四条边界开...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-10 21:40:06    阅读次数:152
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