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搜索关键字:not defined    ( 2488个结果
函数环境 function foo() print(g or "No g defined!") end foo() setfenv(foo, { g = 100, print = print }) --设置foo的环境为表{ g=100, ...} foo() print(g or "No g defined!") --No g defined! --100 --No g defined!...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 22:59:54    阅读次数:338
[leetcode] Balanced Binary Tree
Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced.For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which the depth...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 14:38:39    阅读次数:454
Visual Studio 2005 移植 - WINVER,warning C4996, error LINK1104
Visual Studio 2005 移植 - WINVER,warning C4996, error LINK1104一、WINVER Compile result: WINVER not defined. Defaulting to 0x0502 (Windows Server 2003) wi...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-05-01 12:01:06    阅读次数:533
CCapture directshow 视频捕获类
[cpp]view plaincopy//Capture.hforclassCCapture#include#include#include#if!defined(CAPTURE_H_________)#defineCAPTURE_H_________//imagesize:160*120176*1...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 10:31:47    阅读次数:702
记录我在百度地图开发和ArcGIS for Android开发时出现的一些错误及解决方案(后续更新)
[1]The import com.baidu.mapapi.map.Geometry conflicts with a type defined in the same file解决:百度api包下的Geometry和某个类名相冲突,将类名换成另外的名字,不要和百度相关类里面的类名相同[2]jav...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-05-01 08:56:27    阅读次数:648
Pat(Advanced Level)Practice--1063(Set Similarity)
Pat1063代码 题目描述: Given two sets of integers, the similarity of the sets is defined to be Nc/Nt*100%, where Nc is the number of distinct common numbers shared by the two sets, and Nt is the to...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-29 13:44:20    阅读次数:325
思路1)从dll中导入 FlashWindowEx函数2)调用 1 // 声明 2 #if defined (__cplusplus) 3 extern "C"{ 4 #endif 5 WINUSERAPI BOOL WINAPI FlashWindowEx(PFLASHWINFO pfwi); 6...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-29 10:17:46    阅读次数:336
由于静态库是不需要导出的,所以在写QT的前置声明的时候需要说明 #if defined(QT_SHARED) #ifdef COMMONLIB #define COMMONLIB_EXPORT Q_DECL_EXPORT #else #define COMMONLIB_EXPORT Q_DECL_IMPORT #endif #else #ifdef COMMONLIB #defi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-28 10:47:42    阅读次数:374
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