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搜索关键字:six    ( 289个结果
好久没有写SQL CURSOR了,语法的有点生疏了。今天写了个玩玩。呵呵/* Definition: Customer had sales before, but there is no sales in the last six month. e.g: Before or in June has sales From July to Dec – no sales Customer lost i...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-01-22 00:22:23    阅读次数:256
POJ 3295-Tautology(构造法+栈)
Tautology Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9936   Accepted: 3774 Description WFF 'N PROOF is a logic game played with dice. Each die has six...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-01-10 08:51:58    阅读次数:275
Effective C++学习笔记(Part Six:Item 32-40)
第6部分:继承与面向对象设计 面向对象语言有三大特性:继承,封装和多态。遥想当年,每次校招笔试的时候都会有的,但能够甚至这六个字内涵的人,不再多数。本部分概括的说,深入的讲解三大特性之一----继承性。本部分花的时间不少,也感觉挺有意思的。特别是针对某个条款编写个具体程序实现后,明白其所以然的时候,无疑是一种享受!...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-12-31 20:13:20    阅读次数:205
java GUI(图形用户界面)练习
6.1.3 一个简单的GUI程序 package six; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Main { private static int numclicks = 0; //记录次数 private static JFrame frame = new ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-12-28 18:19:32    阅读次数:277
Linux C 程序 (SIX)
Linux C 程序 (SIX)
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-12-25 20:23:34    阅读次数:295
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-12-24 21:25:00    阅读次数:269
Python matplot的使用(一)
其实,使用它的直接原因是因为matlab太大了,不方便。另外,就是它是免费的。在安装这个库的时候,会需要安装一些它所依赖的库,比如six等。从sourceforge上下载,只需按照提示安装完成就行了。下边是第一个matplot的绘图实例,其中,数学方便的东西主要用到了numpy的东西。 很简单! 跟...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-12-18 01:38:25    阅读次数:264
POJ2139 Six Degrees of Cowvin Bacon 【Floyd】
Six Degrees of Cowvin Bacon Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 3131   Accepted: 1455 Description The cows have been making movies lately, so t...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-08 12:26:54    阅读次数:192
ACM学习历程——POJ3295 Tautology(搜索,二叉树)
DescriptionWFF 'N PROOF is a logic game played with dice. Each die has six faces representing some subset of the possible symbols K, A, N, C, E, p, q,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-20 21:35:28    阅读次数:273
Six ways to think like a journalist!
Journalists have the ability to state a thing more clearly. What can we learn from them to help us report or explain things like them?        There are six ways as follows:        1. Know your audie...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-19 01:59:04    阅读次数:199
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