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搜索关键字:classic    ( 501个结果
[LeetCode] Implement Queue using Stacks
A classic interview question. This link has a nice explanation of the idea using two stacks and its amortized time complexity.I use the same idea in m...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-07-07 12:33:18    阅读次数:102
作者:郭嘉 邮箱:allenwells@163.com 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/allenwells github:https://github.com/AllenWell这是【基于Android的ARM汇编语言系列】博文的开篇文章,这里会先介绍一下ARM处理器的大致分类和作用。一 ARM处理器与ARM指令集整个ARM处理器被分为三个部分: Classic Embedd...
分类:移动开发   时间:2015-07-06 14:15:50    阅读次数:197
分类:Web程序   时间:2015-07-05 13:46:16    阅读次数:120
[LeetCode] Edit Distance
This is a classic problem of Dynamic Programming. We define the statedp[i][j]to be the minimum number of operations to convertword1[0..i - 1]toword2[0...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-07-03 00:03:33    阅读次数:104
[LeetCode] Merge Sorted Array
A classic subroutine of merge sort. Just merge the elements from back to forth. Keep a pointer for the merged position of the element and two other po...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-07-02 19:29:31    阅读次数:112
【Python】Python 新式类介绍
本文转载自:kaka_ace's blog我们使用 Python 开发时, 会遇到 class A 和 class A(object) 的写法,这在 Python2 里是有概念上和功能上的区别, 即经典类(旧式类)与新式类的区别,英文上分别描述为 old-style(classic-style) 与...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-26 09:09:00    阅读次数:157
URAL 2025. Line Fighting (math)
2025. Line Fighting Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MB Boxing, karate, sambo… The audience is sick of classic combat sports. That is why a popular sports channel launches a new compet...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-24 16:35:10    阅读次数:134
classic_compatible=true ##如果变量为null,转化为空字符串,比如做比较的时候按照空字符做比较whitespace_stripping=true ##去掉多余的空格,非常有用##模版更新事件,设置为1秒,正式环境设置为3600秒 #template_update_delay...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-18 09:26:52    阅读次数:121
[HackerRank] The Longest Common Subsequence
This is the classic LCS problem. Since it requires you to print one longest common subsequence, just use the O(m*n)-space version here.My accepted cod...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-15 00:13:35    阅读次数:112
[UVa Online Judge] Longest Common Subsequence
This is the classic LCS problem. Since it only requires you to print the maximum length, the code can be optimized to use only O(m) space (seehere).My...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-15 00:10:20    阅读次数:157
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